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I have an m645 that is doing something strange. If I store the camera upright

or on its side the shutter seems to lock up. It will NOT release even when I

press the red button or move the shutter speed dial off of the red dot.

Everything is fine when I put it in the bag but at some point the shutter locks

up and I end up having to waste a pic getting it back to the right state.

Battery is new and everything else seems fine. Any ideas?

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I would try pulling the camera down and cleaning all contacts ect and the batt contacts. Do you have a different lens or body ? If you could borrow - This would help isolate the fault.


I had a strange one with my bronica ETRS it would lock up in a photo shoot at the wrong moment annoying. The stupid thing would be fine every other time . It turned out to be a bad film back !! the camera and lens are fine. I just bought another film back no more problem.

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