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24-105 f4L and 350D flash


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Just wondering if anyone knows whether the 24-105 f4L will block the on-board

flash of the 350D, when the lens is at the 24 mm setting? (Yes I know I should

be using my 420 EX, however, I don't take it with me when I travel and for

snaps I would want to know the on-board flash won't be impeded if needed.)


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Well, for the record, the 24-105 L doesn't block my 5D, even with hood installed.




Why don't you just try it? Shoot a blank white wall look at the LCD. It takes all of 10



My 17-55 2.8 IS doesn't block my 20D popup, even at 17mm. I was actually very surprised at


Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Well I would try it if I had the 24-105 f4L! I am thinking of buying it and this is one of the considerations. I suppose I could go down to a shop and try one and find out but then what use is my photonet subscription?


I suppose if the 20D clear the 17-55 f2.8 at 17 mm then the 350D should be fine with the 24-105 at 24.

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Well, Geoff, I'm a little ashamed of myself so I've been hiding it. I swore I'd never buy an EF-s

lens, but, during a weak moment, I showed ma plastic. It really is a perfect walkaround for

APS-C bodies. I only wish it was sealed like the 24-105 L. Although no dust problems these

past couple months, I've heard yuppie puppies whining their $1000 lens sucked in a few


Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Yes, I think you will find the flash is cutoff with all 1.6X cameras. The 220EX solves the issue.


To me the built in flashes are useless. They only work with very small lenses (i.e. kit lenses). I would rather have a better viewfinder and no useless popup flash. Even the 17-40 F4L gets cutoff on the XTI.

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Puppy Face: "... I'm a little ashamed of myself so I've been hiding it. [The EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS] really is a perfect walkaround for APS-C bodies."


You *should* be ashamed! (Just kidding.) It *must* have been a weak moment, since you're also sporting the 5D + 24-105. That extra stop must have just been too much to resist!

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<p>Puppy, I don't like seeing people pick on you for doing us all a favour. I'm waiting for the new and shiny premium to go away on this lens, and every person such as yourself who buys one is helping this to happen. So on behalf of everyone who may save some money as a result, thank you.</p>


<p>On a more serious note, I believe you've used the 17-40 on a 1.6-crop body. That's the lens I'd consider replacing with the 17-55, for speed, IS, and extended range. I already know three potential downsides to making this change: more vignetting when used at or near full aperture, no sealing (not a biggie for me, as my most-used lenses from the film days were all unsealed), and the much-invoked spectre of lower resale value of EF-S lenses in a future in which some people think 1.6-crop will suddenly vanish. Do you have any other comments to add to that based on your actual experience with both lenses?</p>

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"Puppy, I don't like seeing people pick on you for doing us all a favour. I'm waiting for the new and shiny premium to go away on this lens, and every person such as yourself who buys one is helping this to happen. So on behalf of everyone who may save some money as a result, thank you."


Balony. Higher sales INCREASES price, not decreases it.

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"Balony. Higher sales INCREASES price, not decreases it."


Exactly! we need to organise the occaisional "boycott of canon products month" to drive their prices down.


Anyone notice how the difference between an elan and a rebel is about $100, but when you put a pentprism and metal body on a $800 digital rebel the price difference becomes $500? Beter still a 1 series film body costs less than $2000, yet when you wrap a 1 series body around a full frame sensor such as the $3000 5D the price jumps by around $5000! No wonder Canon's profits are sky-rocketing.

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"I'm waiting for the new and shiny premium to go away on this lens, and every person such

as yourself who buys one is helping this to happen."


It's faded a little. When it debutted, it was $1200. I bought it at Amazon for $1019 with free

shipping. Probably the price has slipped beyond a grand by now although I don't dare look. I

was hoping for a rebate but probably next year. Meanwhile I'll use it to shoot yuppy puppies

and pick up girls at the mall. Life is getting harder. It was once sufficient to show 'em my

stainless steel Elf and they'd go "how cute" and follow me home (APS was like a sex

pheromone). Now I have to stroke a $1000 lens, gyrate and flash ma new grill...

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Do you really manage to pick up girls with a big lens? I find toting round with my (abominably termed) prosumer camera gear works about as well as telling girls I work in IT. (Actually I don't work in IT but it is generally a good way of buring off the clingers.)


Maybe things are different in Hawaii with all the girls hoping to be discoverred and becoming the next Miss Hawaiian Tropic or something?

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