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30D mirror lock up & remote shooting


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Probably not. I just hooked up my 30D for a quick test. First I set MLU enabled, and then connected the camera to the computer. The status line at the bottom of the EOS Utility Camera/Remote Shooting window says "Mirror up now set", but there is a yellow exclamation mark icon on the battery icon line and the shutter button is greyed out. The shutter button on the camera works normally and the resulting picture auto-downloads and displays in Canon Utilities ZoomBrowser EX 5.6 (which I've never seen before). When I disable MLU at the camera, the remote shutter button becomes active and works as normal.
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Here's what Chris Breeze has to asy about his DSLR Remote Pro software that uses Canon's SDK:


"It is not possible to use bulb mode when triggering the shutter release from the PC. This is a limitation of the camera not DSLR Remote Pro. Pictures can still be taken in bulb mode by pressing the camera's shutter release button.


Mirror lockup can be used with all cameras that support mirror lockup if the picture is taken by pressing the camera's shutter release or by using a remote release cable. Some older cameras (e.g. Canon EOS 10D) can use mirror lockup and be triggered from the PC. With these cameras the mirror will flip up and the picture will be taken after a 2 second delay."



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