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Photo use on a web page - how much to charge?


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Hi, I've been asked if I would consider one of my photos for web page use by a

local small business. I do not know how much to charge for this. Any ideas?

Also if I go ahead with this the company has said they would put a copyright

disclaimer on the photo saying it cannot be downloaded by anyone else. Is

that good enough? Is that the standard practise? Thanks for the help.


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A watermark is sometimes used on web pages however images for web pages are small and only 72dpi; at this size the only other use it could be put to is another web page. I usually ask $90.00 for an image chosen from stock. I charge $175.00 if I have to go out and get it (providing of course that I don't have to buy a plane ticket).
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You might consider asking how large and in what place on the page the image would be used. The prominence of the image should play a part in your pricing.


If the business making the site is small and is not paying a lot to have the site made, they might not want to pay much for usage rights.


They might not even be willing to pay you at all. Ask them if they are willing to pay for rights, then ask them to make an offer. They might offer you more than you would have asked.


Whether or not the provide adjacent photo credits should be a factor too.


The uniqueness of your image is also a consideration. In other words, if they could easily get a similar image, yours might be of less value.

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Have you made it painfully clear that you are a professional photographer and expect payment? A lot of times people seem to ask for photos as if they were free...especially from small businesses.


IS the business flush with money? Or is it a poor start-up? Is it friends? All these things affect pricing. Is there possibility of a package deal to shoot the whole website? A lot of people seem to charge $250 for a one-time use image. If there is a chance of future work and turning them into a long term client, consider reducing that price, but make sure to let them know you are offering a reduced intro. price

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