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Any thoughs on Matsuiyastore ?


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I found some really interesting items on an Ebay dealer : Matsuiyastore. In

particular concerning second hand Epson RD1. As I'm not very confident to spend

more than $1500 in a country 6000 km away, does anyone of you have deal

experiences with them ?


<a href="http://search.ebay.fr/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZmatsuiyastore" >Here

</a> is the link


Thanks for your experience,

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Personally, I would think they would be a pretty safe bet. They have 3 negative feedback

and 1300 positive feedback and a 99.7% positive rating. They are currently active and are

doing many auctions for photo equipment including rangefinder items from Cosina and

Zeiss. Additionally, Japan in general has a very high rate of lawfulness and they are not a

center of scams or dishonest dealings. If you were going to buy anything on ebay

internationally, this would probably be a good bet. The only issue is of course the one that

neither you, nor they have control over -- customs and shipping. Many items go through

customs immediately with little or no duty, others languish or get slapped with large

duties. The best way to avoid this is to ask them to ship it DHL. DHL out of Japan is

probably the best choice, certainly better than EMS or UPS. You will get the item faster and

you will be less likely to have high duties and brokerage fees. FedEx is another good

choice, but they are more likely to charge fees. This is just my experience from living in

Japan and sending packages back and forth to the US via the major carriers.

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A guy on Rangefinderforum.com bought an RD-1 from Matsuiyastore and the unit broke down right after he bought it. Matsuiyastore took full responsibility but the guy still had to send the camera back to Japan. I believe this seller is reliable but you need to think about how reliable the camera will be and whether or not you want to have to deal with having it fixed 6,000km away. The R-D1 is a good camera when it works, but it has a very poor reputation in terms of quality control.
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No offense guys, but give me a break. I become a bit impatient with people who are not well travelled.


No wonder our economy sucks and the dollar is losing its strength...in fact the reason is nobody wants to invest in *us* these days as no one trusts *us*.


I have been buying and selling internationally for years and have never had a problem...and on very valuable items.


As always, buy the seller and not the item.


They are reputable. As they are in Japan does not make them less reputable...or wherever they may be..the best "deals" in fact can be found in China (for photo equip. that is).


I have found asian countries incredibly reputable. In fact I purchased an M6 from HK.



Perhaps it is me, but scams are almost too obvious. People that want something for nothing usually are those who are defrauded.


Contact them, call them, verify their identity in every way, etc. *Know* who you are dealing with. An honest seller will do (within reason) all he/she can to assist. If they don't, walk...that simple.




What is paramount is to *know* who you are dealing with. More problems/scams arise from buyers than sellers. Believe me.



The only insurance is secure packaging and use FedEx. Have them place a lower value on it (ie. gift item). That's it.


I hate to be rude, but it's merely common sense folks...and I have bought (and sold) all over the world without problem for years now.



As to the original post, I purchased a Zeiss Planar from them and I intend to purchase another Zeiss Biogon (upon selling my ASPH 35). They have my full trust.


no affiliation whatsoever. and no I am not asian.





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Dear John:


Please spare me. Mirrors in my house?


Read their listing #1.


#2: We are talking about taxes here. Please do not speak to me about morals. You want to pay all of your taxes go right ahead sport...


Use whatever "logic" you wish, but it seems ever so strange to this fellow the logic of our systems that state we are obligated by law to pay whatever tax amount unlce sam requests at the year end, however, we may use whatever means necessary to get out of paying them. It is all so silly.


I work with an attorney that is so good in finding loopholes that the IRS closes them directly due ot his abilities.



Of course you may state that stating it is a "gift" when it is not is fraudulent, however, I am sure you pay all of your taxes like a good citizen, have no foreign bank accounts, don't trade, don;t own a company/business, don't have oral sex in Idaho, stay beneath the speed limit, ride your bicycle with a helmet at all times, etc. etc.


In fact I can almost guarantee you that there is not a day that goes by that you do not break some given law.


And that's a fact jack...




You go ahead and pay all your taxes then John and sleep well.





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Cebes, I really am sorry that you and your crowd feel that dishonesty is not only acceptable,

but somehow noble. But what I find particularly disturbing its that you think everyone has

the same low values as you. Loopholes are one thing, but fraud and lies are something else.

Too bad you can't sell a Leica or two and use the money to buy a moral compass that works.

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This is nuts it's listed under coupons... I was almost interested in pursueing it because he is

only 100 miles from me and I'm heading his way Friday. Ad looks too flakey, it has to be

stolen, broken, or absolutly bogus.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...
<p> I know, it is a very old posting, but I have to ad some of my anyway. I had a couple of deal (5 so far) with Matsuiyastore and I never had so nice and good service any other place in eBay. Items I bought from them always in top condition, service was very nice and prompt, shipping, etc all first class. I using all those items to day, and all of them like new. I always get a small present in the package, a small Japanese handcraft, etc. After the 3rd deal with them, I personally get a postcard from the owner with thanks and well wishes. I learned, they don't selling badly used equipments. In the future if I need something, not available new, definitely going to them. The last island where honest business and people still exist. I has a deal in other places, and most of the time I don't get what they advertised, and couple of time a total garbage. One occasion a so called "perfect cosmetic condition and working order", and the motor drive arrived, leaked with battery inside, rotten, oozing out of fittings decorated with greenish- blue crystals all over. I had to forced out the battery holder with a screw driver. Cost me money to sending it back, and fighting for the refund.</p>
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