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cheapest crappiest lens I can buy?


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Next Halloween, look in Wallgreen's, CVS, or some other drug/grocery store, and see if they have any of the "weird dorky glasses" in their costume section. Often, their plastic lenses have a flat central portion, with a wide bevel around the edge. One of these can create some great effects, when held in front of a regular lens!



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Again, that won't help. Uncoated lenses just flare a little more under some conditions and have lower contrast. Most of the time the images will look perfectly normal.


Buying uncoated lenses would be a lot cheaper than "stripping the coatings". Many lenses from the 50s and 60s are minimally coated and many cheap "generic" brand lenses from the 70s and 80s are poorly coated.

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Just a funky aside-- why always Vaseline? Petroleum jelly is hard to clean off. Try water-soluable lubricant (KY).


Get a Cokin filter holder and you can put all sorts of weird stuff in front of your lens.


For the true LOMO (search on this for a whole world of this sort of stuff) effect on a digital body, I think the suggestion to build your own crappy lens on a lens adapter or T-mount base is the way to go. The Lensbaby is fine, but you can DIY for much less $. You can find meniscus and other lenses at a number of places like Surplus Shed, some glue, duct tape, some cardboard tubing and voila! I've had some luck with pinholes in aluminum foil over the camera body mount.<div>00J10L-33796684.jpg.0694540d34142f592a92b9367ae7363d.jpg</div>

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I came upon the brand-new looking CAMERO lens in a local Thrift store, with a screw mount it fit right on my Fujica SLR ST-901. But that is how far it went. The Fujica refused to interact with this device, so I took it apart at home and discovered what must be the world's worst 200mm lens. Even the glass in this thing appears to made from something inferior. Its now in the "dark corner" of the camera closet.
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