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My turn to be all giddy.

larry w

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I've been into photography for a million years ... Ok, more like 35 (I'm 47),

ever since my grandfather (who was a real photographer) took me into a

darkroom and I got to smell those smells and watch a picture appear out of

nothing ... I've never forgotten.


I've always shot with standard issue amateur equipment, but I've been shooting

constantly for the past 25 years ... Pentax K1000, SMC 55 F1.8 ... Then a

Pentax ZX-M with the same lens and a couple cheep zooms. Last year we decided

to venture into digital a bit and got a Powershot A620, which we really liked

(and still do, it's a great little camera) and combined with the ever

increasing lack of decent film processing options in our area and a desire to

finally break away from standard issue amateur equipment ... Well ... We

decided that I could finally build myself a "proper" digital system (from

capture to print).


Being a computer professional, the big lack was the capture hardware ... We

already have a spiffy little six computer network at the house, including a

couple brand new gaming rigs, laptops and a pair of servers (the wife and I

like gaming ... heh), and other than getting a copy of Photoshop CS2 and a

good printer, we already had the darkroom (helped make our film/digital



So after MUCH reading, a few months ago I took many of my saved pennies and

got myself a 5D and a couple decent starter lenses ... A 50m F1.4 USM and a

100m F2 USM and have spent every non-working, waking minute of the last four

months learning ... Shooting/CS2 ... CS2/Shooting ...


This past weekend, it was time ... I ordered my first "L". The 17-40m F4L USM

(of course, it's everyone's first isn't it?), but an "L" nonetheless. I also

got the 100m F2.8 USM Macro (for double rebate purposes don't you know

*cough* ;-) ) ... But we all know it's the "L" that prompted this post.


Giddy doesn't begin to describe what the next week (delivery is on the 11th)

is gonna be for me ... It's worse than when I was waiting for the 5D to show



And yes ... The next one is already being saved for. The 100-400m F4/5.6L IS

USM ... Hopefully this spring.


No real point to the post really ... Just couldn't stand it and had to let it

out a bit.


Hi ... My name is Larry. I'm 47 years old and I finally am getting my first

really great lens (just in time for a Christmas trip to Idaho I might add ...

Pics to follow I'm sure) ... And no ... I never have grown up.



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Thanks guys ... There's just something about the smell of new electronics in the morning isn't there? heh


So uh Juergen ... Tell me about the 100-400 ;-)


Oh and for sure Charles, make sure you eventually get yourself the 5D ... While I saved those pennies for a while, there hasn't been a single day since I've gotten it that I thought ... You know, I could have gotten by with <fill-in-the-blank> instead. It's a great camera!

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<i>.... And no ... I never have grown up. ;-)</i><br><br>


Nor I, Larry; nor I.<br><br>


I started into photography at the same age you did (17), and I'm 8 years older than you are. Yet I too still get giddy every time I order a great new lens (a used but near-mint 300mm f:2.8 last month) or acquire a new body (a 30D last May; shooting for a 5D or its replacement next May). Hopefully, I'll never change! LOL<br><br>


<b>Merry Christmas! :-) :-)</b><br><br>

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<I>Want to really get giddy - get the 24-105mm L. It will blow your socks off - it is that



I hope so. I just ordered one.<P>


<I> ... Tell me about the 100-400 ;-)</i><P>


Here's my verdict, having owned one for several years: very versatile, focuses much closer

than most 400 mm lenses, very sharp below about 300 mm, OK above 300 mm especially

if stopped down a bit. Solidly built and feels like it.

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woah ... I thought I was excited about ordering a new 120% genoa headsail for my sailboat. about the same cost as a 5D, but I don't think I am getting half the giddiness that you have Larry. enjoy!<br><br>


"but I was so much older then<br>

I'm younger than that now ..."<br>

--Bob Dylan

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I splurged about 5 years ago and got the 100-400IS USM lens, and use it for all my rugby matches that I shoot. It's a great lens, albeit a tad weighty (I think the newer versions are a few ounces lighter). Great for high-speed action outdoors.


I've used it both with my Canon film and digital SLR's and it works great! I know you'll be happy with yours once you get it.



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Larry, congratulations for purchasing the best DSLR in Image Quality in the world! It's low light performance will blow your mind. It's Image Quality will make you forget it's less then ideal ergonomics I promise you. Get some fast L primes....it's with fast L primes that the party really starts.
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Hi Larry what a great feeling, I started similar in `63, made a living with it most my life and scrapped my pro wet colour lab over 2 yrs ago cause of digital. was hoping to get a 5D with the sale of my Hassie gear but film stuff hard to move now. may have to bite the bullet. So glad its made you happy now helps others to look forward.


Boy with a new toy


enjoy your christmas

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Larry -


I love that post and have felt that same enthusiasm and thrill about photography (and sports

motorcycles) since I was 15 (over 30 years too)... As they say "Growing old is inevitable,

growing up is optional!"


I'd love to see some of your images - if you can capture even half of that infectious giddyness

in your pictures, I bet they rock!

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I think 'Larry' and 'Lawrence' were among the most popular names in 1959. I knew a bunch of Larry's growing up. I have heard of no new babies named 'Larry.'


From this 47 year old to Larry W:

Don't forget that Pentax K1000 in all your giddiness. I used my Minolta SRT102 over Thanksgiving and just loved the feeling of it. I have owned 4 L lenses (still have one). Your old Pentax primes are just as nice, I assure you.

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