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Holiday NAS - anybody got it yet?

dan park

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The previous post makes reference to this phenomenon. I have succumbed to it.

Just picked up a used Nikon 20-35 f/2.8D and 35-70 f/2.8D. These 2 lenses along

with my 80-200 f/2.8D complete my poor man's Nikon pro zoom collection (total

cost just over a $1000). Favorite lens is still my 50mm f/1.8 ais.


Also picked up a 35mm f/2.8 ais but had to throw it back due to fungus.


Now if I could just start making my hobby pay for itself with something other

than free wall art in my house (and others as well) and family memories. Maybe

that's payment enough though.



Happy NAS filled holidays,


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I've been looking to blow another kilobuck but can't decide. Go with the 12-24 to give me wide, get the 105/200 macro, the 85PC to give me large format fun with macro as a side...maybe the 17-55 or 28-70 because I keep getting roughed up for light with my 18-70. Oh, the pain. It's a really nice problem to have, I do admit.
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I got that range covered three ways from Sunday too. I have the nikon 24-85, tamron 28-75, and now the nikon 35-70. Each is great in its own right. The 24-85 has a great portrait range for digital, its nice and compact, but it's a variable aperture and a relatively slow one at that. The tamron has a decent range and is a good lens but for some reason my D200 doesn't like it so much (backfocus). I really like the macro on the 35-70 and it is pretty darn sharp too. I'm going to auction the first two to pay for my recent case of Holiday NAS.



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Hi Fellow sufferers!


I tried to be clever and started early in November.


I got an Ai 105mm 2.5 off Egad! from America.


Was a bit upset when I got it (cost equivalent of sixty quid - English price 100 quid plus)as the barrel was not as pristine as suggested. The optics were mint.


I've just got the first slides back and I'm so impressed with this lens - all I've heard is true - colour and sharpness are stunning.


I then got a 50mm f2 Ai off Egad! cheap as chips from Canada which is simply lovely and sharp at, well, f2 on Velvia 50 whilst photographing my local church (illuminated) in the dark.


So.....I should have a nice quiet Christmas this year.....mind you, I'm also a Pentax user.....now when was the last time I got a bit of Ashai kit......? Mmmmmmmmm, see you later...Egad! here I come.


Oh dear! No rest for the wicked as they say!!



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Hi, new member here...


I just got:


Nikon D200 w/18-200mm kit

MB-D200 battery pack

SB800 flash

4 GB Lexar card


Getting a Slingshot bag later today.


I'm graduating from a Canon G2 in Auto mode. ;-)


I plan to use this for sports car and open wheel races I attend (Sebring, USGP, Petit le Mans in 2007). I still hope to get another zoom in the 200-400mm range (like a Sigma 80-400, or something along those lines). Maybe a macro after that.

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Yeah I have been looking at either another D50, a used D100, a used D1H, a used Fuji S2, a new D40 or even, gasp, a new D80. This is all very well but I haven't got much inspiration to shoot these days so maybe I should wait until I actually have something to shoot before I spend.


Actually the S3 is the only camera around that really satisfies me in the DR department. But the cost...


Then there are the rangefinders. I won't go into that as the good ones are way too expensive.


It is tempting to buy a used Canon body (e.g. 10D) with which I can use Nikkor and Leitz lenses. But then I'm stuck with manual stop down. Hmm.

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I just saw a PB4 bellows which I really don't need, but....it shifts and tilts and works as a focusing rail! How can I ....no no no I don't need it. REally. But it shifts and tilts and....no no. I don't even know what they're asking for it. I don't need it. I guess I'll have to go ask what they're asking for it.
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It's chronic and painful. Just got a mint 35/2.8 PC from an old friend--sweet.Still looking for a pretty 105/2.5 of any vintage if it's AI(S).Drooling over a 55/1.2. Looking hard at a weirdo Vivitar Series 1 35-85/2.8.Even considering a Nikkor 135/3.5 for my old Bronica S. Can't believe how cheap F100s are now.People seem to be dumping nice 20-25 and 35-70 AF lenses, too...Drink up, Dan.
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