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Canon 9950f won't allow film scanning.

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Hello there,


After numerious positive reviews, I decided to pick up a Canoscan 9950f so scan my 120/220 film. I set

it up and everything was working great, the scaner scanned fast and worked well. But the moment I

tried scanning film everything went downwards. I took the protective cover off, like they tell you, placed

the film in the holders exactly, and placed the holders on the scanner exactly as pictured and when I

went to scan, I got an error saying that I either did not remove the protective cover (which I did), or that

I did not place the film tray properly (which I did, I even tried without it) or that the lamp was not

warmed up, which it obviously had to have been since it would scan everything else.


Has anyone else encountered this problem or could give me a different way of going to scan film with

the scanner?? I have fooled around for hours on end and just can't get this to work!

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If you flip the film holder front-to-back, it won't calibrate. You might want to double-check that.


You also might want to try re-installing the software.


Other than that, I'd try contacting tech support. You might just have to swap it with another one. But do (as mentioned above I think by another poster) go step by step through all the connections, including making sure the transport lock is unlocked, etc. The quick-start guide should be helpful with this.


Keep in mind too that the scanning lamp for film is different than the one for prints. So if the light-lid lamp isn't connected, or is not plugged in properly (this can happen -- try unplugging then plugging in again), the lamp will not warm up or even work at all.


Hope this helps.

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If it is anything like my i9950 then you have to first select negs or transparancy from the importing menu (I use PhotoShop) and then the film scanning lamp will light. To scan or preview the lid has to be down. If it has been working then there is either a loose connection (to the upper lid) or the lamp may have failed. Besides the other suggestions already given I can't think of anything else.
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