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Leica D Lux 3...anyone?


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I hope you appreciate to extremely low distortion this zoom has. The airplane at the gate is the only one that shows anything. Most zooms make things look like a wine barrel and /or pincushion. PTLens will get rid of the last tiny bit if you are so inclined.


I would really like to know what extra is offered with the Leica tag on it.

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very nice camera. the best digital p&s i have ever used. if it had an optical VF, it would

replace my TVSD. for people who like composing on the screen, i think it may be the perfect

pocket camera. the VR really works, the files are nice and big, the screen is huge, the lens is

tack sharp and contrasty, the SF is speedy and accurate. for a company that is relatively new

to cameras, panasonic sure does a good job.

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Greetings all,


I have not looked at the Panasonic version so I can't offer any comment on the plus/minuses of the two versions. I can only speak on how happy I am with the Leice D Lux 3 for the purpose I bought it for and that's a pocket, easy to carry, easy to use point and shoot camera with manual over rides if needed.


I recently purchased the Leica D Lux 3 about 2 weeks ago just prior to leaving the USA for a two week trip to China for an adoption. Since we were travelling with myself, my wife and my 3 year old daughter and headed to China to pick up our second daughter, size and weight were the biggest consideration in choosing to bring ONLY this D Lux 3 with us.


I left a Nikon D200 and about 4 Lenses as well as a Leica M7 and about a 7 or 8 lenses behind in the states and only packed this D Lux 3 in a small Domke waist bag. I also picked up an extra battery and a 1 GB card and that's all I've got here now. I purchased a great little backup 80 GB hard drive called a Wolverine which I recommend highly. I've used the D Lux 3 exclusively for 10 days already and must say it has far surpassed even my highest expectations.


The camera is light, fun, easy to use and can be as simple as the most basic point and shoot (wife's mode) to as advanced as you want it to be. The 2.8 comes in handy but with this type of camera you really don't need that speed as much as you would with others. The pop flash is exceptional too and does a great job on fill flash outdoors if needed inside although I tried to shoot as much as I could handheld by natural light here in China. The size is perfect and you'll pretty much master the menu process and settings in a day or two of active use. I've probably shot about 1000 images so far and I love it. I'm very happy with the purchase and would recommend this camera to anyone who is considering it. After a full day of shooting, I simply download the card to the wolverine at night in the hotel room and start fresh the next day with a blank card.


I've posted some images for my family but I'll share here for the forum to view some. I don't profess to be a professional and these are mostly family shots but you can see the images at...




www dot jaytee dot smugmug dot com


The first 5 shots are not with the D Lux but everything past there is.


I'd give this Leica version of this game 5 stars and I've enjoyed using it very much. I have not seen the Panasonic version of it but I'm sure it's equally impressive.


Best regards, JT

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I have one sent to me by leica for review, I had it for about a week. For every positive there is a negative. Big beautiful lcd? Yes. Viewfinder? No. And so on. The biggest issue I have is noise and price and other than branding your not getting much for your money over the panasonic which was a bit overpriced as well. Not a bad camera to go with an M though.
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Seems like we are split, Gentlemen, into two camps: those that have one and tried it and without exception find it a fun and capable camera and those that have not yet tried it and continually make comparisons with other models - and who have their doubts.

I also had my doubts before buying and was told many things by UK dealers who could not simply and truthfully answer perhaps the most obvious question - what's the difference to an LX2?

One dealer even told me that Leica selected bodies from the Panasonic line in Japan, had them returned to Germany where the 'lens was fitted' and a whole series of tests done. Those that didn't make it were Pans those that did got their red dot. Absolute lies. And so it went on until I cornered a friend who happens also to sell Leica who explained the following....

Camera mechanics and lens are same, electronics are same but firmware is not. This has been tweaked by Leica so that standard settings will give a more neutral balanced Leica pic. Naturally, on line inspection in Japan is there to ensure better setup but the same tolerances are set for each component used and so do not vary. Obvious two other differences are body - subtle but important and accessory case etc. Oh and residual value at the end of the day.

I have/had M6, M7, R9 and now use Canon 1D, 30D, 20D etc.

I did not buy this camera to compete in any way with them. It will not on many levels. I did buy it for its portability, wide 28mm and ever wider with 16:9 format and reliability. Given I use the big guns daily in my work I wanted a point and shoot for my travels that was also capable if I came across a stunning opportunity. D Lux 3 is it.

I do not use above 200 asa as I didn't use film over 200asa - as most didn't either. I do not know anyone who has ever shot film at 1600asa but I know lots who grumble about digital failing at such levels - ironic?

If you want a portable Leica that will yield exceptional results when used to its strengths - 100asa, 28mm - zoom without distortion, excellent b&W as well as colour and true Leica tones then get it. I don't find I need a viewfinder and nor did Cartier Bresson an a lot of street photography with his M. Set it at 35mm or less, place it on the old belly button you will capture a full length portrait from 8 feet - and without any noise unlike even the M6.

Suggest you all try one if you haven't or if you want to save money, don't mind being red dotless and a bit shinier then try the LX2. It isn't an M8 but its damn good fun.


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I purchased a DLux-3 for my wife. When she's feeling magnanimous - she lets me use it. The rest of the time it's with her in her purse.


It's a great camera. I have two other small digital cameras (Canons) and the DLux-3 puts them to shame.


WHEN I get to use it, I can put it in the top pocket of one of my work shirts quite easily. The Leica rep claims the firmware in the Leica is slightly different than the Panasonic model. The difference is supposed to be in sharpening settings and pre-set color processing "looks" (landscape, portrait, etc.).


Since I don't have the Panasonic equivalent to check, I really can't comment on that - but, I wouldn't just write it off as hearsay as when I used the Digilux 2 and compared it to the same Panasonic model, the images really were different in sharpening (amount applied), and color processing.

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There are definite adjustments in color and sharpness, I wasn't questioning that. I do question however, if these changes are really profiles that can't be input into the panasonic through the menu system. Regardless, it is a very nice camera, and is becoming quite popular.
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To JT, I just wanted to say that your snaps and accompanying comments -- some funny, some understandably more contemplative -- provide a real sense of your family's joy at the adoption of your baby daughter.




Cannot comment on either camera based upon my own experience, because I haven't tried either one. One Leica employee was quoted in an article as saying that there were 3 differences -- not counting price :) -- between Leica's camera and its Panasonic cousin: (i) longer warranty for the Leica, at least in the U.S.; (ii) different photo-editing software in the box; and (iii) different processing in-camera. Other than cosmetics, he said the hardware was identical.


As to number (iii) above, I have no idea what the difference in in-camera processing is, whether it's significant or how noticeable it is in pictures, or whether one could easily 'mimic' its effects using photo-editing software.

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Thank you very much for your kind words. Joy is an understatement to say the least. We are actually still in China and photo net has keep me occupied late at night once the troops have gone to bed. It truly is a great experience and as my wife says, now I have a second model to chase around with a camera.


Thanks again,


Peace, JT

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I have a D Lux 3 on the way and I can hardly wait to get my hands on it. I read an online review of the Panasonic LX2 which commented on the "over-saturated" blues and reds and suggested that was driven by the demands of the consumer market. Hopefully this is one of the issues Leica has addressed in its firmware tweaks.
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I had one for a weekend (the Leica not Panasonic), thinking about buying one for someone as a gift. For a daytime camera at ISO 100 I was duly impressed. Above ISO 100 the jpegs (which is what the person I was going to give it to would use)have too much noise control and they didn't look very good to me. I've read it's much better in RAW and apply your own noise reduction above ISO 100, I didn't try it because like I said, I wasn't buying it for myself. I also found not having an eye viewfinder very weird, it would take me some getting used to, and probably I would want to make some type of shroud because in bright daytime the LCD was sometimes very hard to see. For a $600 camera I would have liked it to have a flash shoe, both because the built-in flash is quite puny, and it would be someplace to put a clip-on viewfinder (though getting one to project the 16:9 format might take some taping). I do like the black Dlux-3 much better than the silver which was the only choice on the D-lux-2.
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Join with me and let's have a little think.....



I use a Pany LX1. Over 100 asa it's not so good compared with the competition. At 100 asa it is supreme, fine detail, sharp, and with that Leica signature. Now i've never used the Leica D Lux 3, but my understanding is that it has some serious noise control software, which takes away, to some place;) that fine detail...and, maybe, that Leica signature.


Perhaps Leica got it right in the first place, then the boo boys booed, so they tried to make it something else.....and, failed.


Just a thought.

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I think I have got a bit of a Leica look to the pictures of my LX-2 by setting auto w-balance and adjust towards yellow and green. Also, no sharpening, low contrast and low colour intensity. Just my taste, perhaps.


I wonder if the Leica in-camera processing has an effect on RAW capture ? Colour is certainly truer using RAW - or rather the tonality of each hue is pretty accurate. And that is just putting the RAW data through the Silkypix software without any adjustment, - except turning off sharpening (I loath it) and sometimes retrieving something of blown-out clouds.

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  • 2 weeks later...



One dealer even told me that Leica selected bodies from the Panasonic line in Japan, had them returned to Germany where the 'lens was fitted' and a whole series of tests done.


</blockquote> </i> </small><p>


If there were any assembly done in Germany Leica would be crowing about it in advertisements. Take the word of that sales rep under, er, advisement.

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>If there were any assembly done in Germany Leica would be crowing about it in advertisements.


Based on first hand experiences with the R8 motor troubles, early M6TTL battery drain, faulty CM circuit board I wouldn't say Leica was any good with electronics. So if Leica had anything to do with the physically handling of the D Lux 3 I would without a second thought go for the Panasonic version. I have the earlier version and it is great.

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Here in Hong Kong when the Digilux 2 was introduced it was 60% more expensive than the

Panasonic LC-1 though they were the same camera. The Digilux 2 was sold out within

weeks while the LC-1 sat on the shelves and finally moved but only with deep discounts.

An unsubstantiated rumour on the net that the Digilux 2 had better firmware thus had


colors did most of the selling. People really wanted to believe that the firmware rumour


true and didn't mind spending a lot more for one. The Red Dot does have magical powers.

Believe in it and it will take better pictures. This is the Pet Rock of the new


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If the Dlux 3 is anything like the Panasonic Lx-1, which I have, it should be a great little point and shoot camera. I opted for the panasonic version against the Dlux 2 because I couldn't see spending extra for the leica badge and the panasonic had a little finger rest that the leica didn't have. I find the camera to be a fun shooter and haven't had any problems with it.


The one thing that I found out is that this camera is really a RAW shooter and it performs best when shooting RAW. The Jpegs are fine for web stuff ect, but I find it much better to process the image in a Raw converter before I import it into my editing program. This also helps getting rid of the noise, which I find mostly to be chroma noise that is easy to get rid of in Adobe Camera Raw.

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