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Pocket-Wizard newbie needs help


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Hi, I apologize for the newbiw qustions here, but after some searching here and on google, I can't seem

to locate the answers I need. Plus, I can't connect to the pocket wizard web site, I think it's down or



I am thinking of purchasing a pocket-wizard(s). I have a Canon 20D and 1D Mark II with 2 550ex's and

2 580ex's. I am currently using the flashes themselves as the master to triggeer the other flashes which

works sometimes but not always depending on the situation. I want to upgrade to a radio system that

will be more reliable. I want to be able to have the PW mounted on my hot shoe and have it trigger a

flash which I will be hand holding (while holding the camera in the other hand, I won't be looking

through the viewfinder) and may have 1 or two other flashes mounted on light stands which I want the

PW to trigger as well.


My questions are:


I know I need 1 transmitter for the hot shoe. Will the receivers be cheaper than the transmitter? I

understand I will need a receiever for each flash (3 of them).


Also, can the PW transmitter control the flash output of each flash? Or does that have to be done at the

flash manually?


Do the receivers mount ontop of the flash heads with velcro, or in the hot shoe?


Does ETTL work while using the PW?


Thank you in advance.



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The PW site does seem to be down at the moment. When it comes back up you can

download manuals for the various PW units--there all of your questions will be answered





1. Check B&H or equiv. for prices. There is not a huge difference if any in price between

transmitters/receivers. The MultiMax can be either Tx or Rcv, which is handy, but it's more

expensive than the other models.


2. Done at the flash manually.


3. Various means. Receiver has to connect to the flash via a cable. With the PW you get a

standard miniplug (the PW end) to male PC (the flash end) cable; you can get cables to fit a

Sunpak, a female hotshoe, a household, or just about any other connection on the flash.


4. No. Think of a PW as a very long range, more convenient, but dumb plain old PC sync



I have the MultiMax units and really like them.

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I can answer a couple of these.


The PW transmitter, and reciever are roughly the same price. <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?A=search&Q=&b=625&mnp=0.0&mxp=0.0&cmpsrch=&cltp=&clsgr=&shs=&ci=8007&ac=&Submit.x=12&Submit.y=3">Look Here</a><P>

The flash output will have to be controlled manually. The PW doesn't do this.<P>

There are a host of mounts. I just hang them from my light stands.<P>


ETTL Does not work with the PW's. It's full manual.


Hope this helps,


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Thanks for the fast response, I appreciate that.


Hmm, so no TTL and you have to physically go over to each flash if you want ot increase/

decrease power output? There is no better way?


Here is my scenario, I will be shooting skateboarders using a 15mm fisheye, so I will be

very close to the skater most times with one flash in hand and the camera in the other

hand, but sometimes I will want to be further away, which means I would have to know

ahead of time so I can physically change the setting on the slaves. Or would I just change

my fstop to account for the flash to subject distance differences? I was hoping for a more

flexible solution, so I can decide on the fly if I want to change distance to subject etc.

which the TTL figures out for me. Also the IR give me the ability to change output ratios

etc. Of course the big problem is the distance/angle limitations, and it's not that good

outside either.


I guess the Pro shots using multiple flashes I see in skate magazines aren't very "spur of

the moment" at all, but rather VERY calcualted set ups.


I guess there is no best of both worlds technology huh? Stinks.


I guess you need to rely on a flash light meter a lot with PW's huh?


Thanks again,




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the new PW Plus II are transmittters and receivers, just buy however many you need.<p>Check at the Canon forum for controlling the unit's output, all the PW does is fire them reliably. Your Canon system should control the output as does my Nikon system... t
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Tom, thanks for your input. You bring up an interesting point, and I'm not sure what my

flashes would be set to (i.e., off, master,slave) while using the PW's, but if the 580ex that I

am hand holding is set to "master" and can still control light output from the other slaves

while still using the PW's that would sort of solve the having to run around to different

slaves to change thier output, but doens't solve the TTL problem. It's better, but I'm not

sure I will have the time always to set up shots that carefully, i.e. using manual flash

settings and either chimping or getting a flash meter to get the exposures right, which

seems like a bit more of a production than i would like.



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Unfortunately the only way to use your collection of EX flashes is as E-TTL units controlled by a master unit attached to the camera hotshoe if you want to avoid handling manual flash settings. The Canon units lack the flexibility of some of the Nikon flashes. You are probably as well to use a collection of e.g. Sunpak 383 or Vivitar 283 or 285 autoflashes, perhaps triggered by regular optical slaves or a wireless trigger (there are cheap ones available via ebay that should have adequate range for the sort of setup you envisage - a big saving over a multiple PW setup).
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