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Jammed Hasselblad 501CM, unusual jam it seems... !

j. f.

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The camera is first hand almost new, max 50 rolls. It jammed today with lens and

back attached as I was taking a photo. I managed to remove the lens using the

usual screw trick inside the camera body. But still no joy. The little screw

inside is twisted fully to the right clockwise, where it locks in place, but

when I push the shutter button the screw just unwinds...the mirror is still

locked up. The two back flaps are still wide open. The wind crank will still not

turn. Both the camera and lenses seem correctly wound as the indicators are in

line with the red dots, but not I can not even put the lense back on. This does

not seem to be the usual type of jam and I don't know how it happened. Something

like this happened before when I first bought the camera but then somehow freed

itself on the way to the camera repair shop. Any advice welcome. Thanks, Gavin.

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Thanks Russ. Just checked but I don't seem to have a shutter lock up on my camera. I don't have the manual with me but there is no lever etc like as far as I know there is on some older models of this camera. It is true that I pressed the mirror lock up button which is located under the winder but this has no undo position...one has to wind on the camera before it sets back to zero/normal position...but this won't happen with me. I can't wind on...also noticed that the frame number in the film magazine is still 1 and the little window red which means that I have not wound on either. Maybe I just need to take it in to get repaired, but hope there is a more simple solution somehow.
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Gavin,<br><br>After pressing the prerelease button, you (absolutely) have to press (and let go of) the 'real' release button first, before you should even attempt to use the wind crank.<br>You have done that?<br><br>The prereleases button releases the camera, but stops it 'halfway' in its release cycle. The cycle must (!) be completed before anything else.<br>It would appear as if you have prereleased the camera, and then tried to reset it by turning the screw connecting to the lens' axle. That will (if anything) reset the shutter in the lens, but not do much else (maybe it will break something too...).<br>So push the release button, and see if that solves things.
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Got the camera fixed today...there was a broken part inside...apparently the last time I got it serviced the workmanship was shoddy and things were left a bit of a mess inside, a jam waiting to happen, and yesterday it finally led to a broken part...something must have snapped...so if you find yourself with this type of jam you probably know the answer now...luckily not too expensive to fix, 150?. I really like this camera system and would definitly give it thumbs up...it's the one they took to the moon after all! Anything with a simple mechanism and ease of use is a thing of beauty to me but once in a 'blue moon' they and any other camera just have a bad day, something out of sync.


If ever you are in Paris, France and have a broken Hassy then go straight to Les Victors, 5 passage Piver ? 75011 Paris (Metro Goncourt) Tel :


Highly recommended! And thanks to everybody who gave their advice on this thread. Much appreciated.

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