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I'm member of this page maybe one month. During that time I posted several

photos. I thought that I'll get some response from people, and yet I was

disappointed. Only few people wrote comments and suggestions. What I find really

disappointing is when i get 3/3 in anonymous ratings and no explanation why. I

doesn't matter that I got 3/3, or even less, I would like to know what is wrong

so that I can improve myself.

But nevermind, I'll still post my photos, and hope that I'll get some critiques

and through that I'll try to find my way to make better photos.

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Hello Dejan, sad to say, the 3/3s that get dished out with no comments are a fact of life here on PN.


The best way to get comments and helpful advice is to critique photos yourself. The more you do this, the greater the likelihood of you getting comments and critiques back.


I'll have a look at your portfolio at home and will try to offer some constructive comments.



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Thanks for your quick response! When you see my personal page you'll see that I'm giving comments and ratings. When I joined PN I thought it's like that, If you wanna receive you need to give.

I think one of the problems with ratings is that people when they see photo and they don't like it they rate it worst then some kin of photography they do like. By that I mean if someone likes Portraits he will give better rating to that kind of photography than to some landscape photo which they don't like even if that photo is better in all ways (technically, composition etc.) I'll rather skip photo rating if I don't like that category of photos.

Thanks for your effort. Stay well, Dejan

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Dejan! Don't give up! One thinig you could do is join "The Five" a group of people devoted to giving 5 critiques every time they log on. Do a search for "The Five" (use the sites search engine & search just photo.net) and you can put your name on ths list, I will be checking out your portfolio! :>)
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I think the problem is that your photos are very standard in that just about everyone has them on their page. You will see many like them every single day and as a result you really need to have something that stands out from the others in order to get higher ratings or just comments. I can't critique anything in particular about them myself except that they aren't that eye-catching for the most part. This is not a critique of your skills in photography but more about what you need to compete with thousands of others. With more time and more photos these will eventually be replaced.
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I know how you feel it can be difficult at times when you are starting out and getting those 3's and less without an explanation, I just posted a few shots and straight away those 3/3's are there. I guess its not much of a critique system anymore...
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To Kellen:

Thank you for this great information and encouraging post. I try whenever I have time to make comment, so I hope that this group of enthusiastic people will took me in. :-)


To Andy:

Thanks for your response. It's not all about rating. Give me 1/1 but explain why. I know that I have to compete with thousands of others, but I need critiques of my skills so that I can improve my tehnic. Anyway, I see that I cannot expect critique or comment from you - only 9 comments in 5 years and 31 rating :-(


To Omkaar:

Yes, I really don't know how they pop-up in a second when I post photo. Things will get better with comments for all of us I hope.

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Hello Dejan, thank you for your comment on my portfolio. Recently the interface for ratings & critiques was changed in an attempt to increase the number of ratings. This goal was certainly achieved, very photos now get lass than 5 anonymous rates which is the minimum to get into the top rated photos, where your photos will at least have some visibility. Unfortunately the drive towards more ratings may have also resulted in less critiques. I have had a look at your portfolio, which does look like the work of a beginner, this is to be expected, we all have to start somewhere and it is good that you have the courage to post work for critique. One problem is that great photos get a lot more comments & rates than less interesting ones. Many of your shots are have issues in terms of composition and lighting or subjects that lack interest, unfortunately these are the kind of photos that people tend to rate low and not bother to leave a critique. Ironically it is beginners that have the most to gain from a proper critique. My advice is to stick with the forum, shoot as much as you can, your work will definitely improve. When I started photography in 2005 I found that the advice I got from photo.net extremely valuable in improving my work. Having gone through your portfolio, my first piece of advice is that the light is the most important factor in photography. Even the most mundane subject can be trasformed when the light is right. Many of your photos have been taken in harsh lighting conditions so I would suggest trying to shoot more in the warmer light of early morning and late afternoon.
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Hello Dejan,<br>I have posted many photos here on Photo.net, experiencing the same

problem that you are. The 3/3's, with no comment as to why. This has made me very

angry on several occasions, but has fueled me to try even harder to improve. I keep

thinking that if I get better, then no more 3/3's, but I'm realizing that is not the case.

MOST people here get those ratings, no matter how great their photos are. So, I have

finally succumbed, and taken my husbands' advice. Take photos for your own enjoyment,


do not take the anonymous ratings (good or bad) too seriously. I have posted photos that I

think are terrible, just as a test, and low and behold, I get more 7's on those photos than

on what I consider my best shots. There is just no way to predict what people may think.

My advice? Keep shooting. View the Top Rated Photos often, and ask yourself what makes

these photos so good. Learn the rules of good composition. Experiment with different

lighting situations. Take anonymous low ratings with a grain of salt. Use a tripod, and

although I'll get a lot of flack for suggesting this....LEARN PHOTOSHOP!<br> Thanks for

being a part of Photo.net! Regina

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