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Hasselblad portrait lens

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I just became the owner of a Hasselblad 6x6 500C/M. Looking for an excellent portrait lens with

emphasis on a very shallow depth of field I wonder if anyone can give advice out of own experiences

and maybe add some pictures. I have an offer to buy a Planar 1:2,8 80mm lens but I wonder if the

depth of field is still quite large.

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Define portrait? If by that you intend head and shoulder shots, the 150mm or 180mm are nice, but actually don't focus close enough for a frame-filling head crop. I settled on using the 150mm Sonnar together with a 16mm extension ring, and that is heaven for short DOF and close-focus.<p>

If by portraits, you're looking at torso or full body, the 80 will do, the 150 will do.

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I'll second the use the 250mm and 150mm lenses. I have the black T* variety. Recently I picked up a black 120mm f5.6 T* S Planar, and I'm using that one quite frequently for portraits. I really like using this lens, the results are particularly satisfying. It's also surprising how bright the image is to view, for a 5.6 lens:)
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Regardless of which lens you get look around for a Zeiss Softar. They come in a couple of strengths and fit on the front of the lens like a filter. They very slightly soften the sharpness while causing the highlights to take on a diffuse glow. It can be a very flattering effect and the ladies will love you!
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