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top photos

omar havana

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hello, i just wondering why never my pics are coming in the top photos pages,

i have from yesterday a pic 5.00 5.15 and never i can see any of mine between

the most of 400 top photos of the day when i find pics of, can

someone explain if maybe because are mine i can not see them ,maybe u can not

see ur own pics in this list, thanks

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megan thanks but i try to search and or I'm not good searching or there is nothing there, please only i ask for 1 minute of someone to write about that, I'm not the kind of person that just rate 3/3, I always try to help and leave comments on the photos, please, thanks
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don't you just love it when someone takes the time to click on the response button, then instead of answering, tells you to figure it out on your own as if you've somehow made them waste their time by asking? Sheesh. If you're not gonna try to answer, then why bother writing anything?


anyway... not having seen the exact example, there are a few things that might affect your photos. One, if any of the rates are made "non" anonymously, they don't count towards the total score I think (ie: three double 4's without names and one double seven from someone who's name appears will show as a 4 average). I don't think they count the "recently" susbscribed members right away either.


The other thing is that your photo has to have been uploaded in the 3 days previous to all that rating. So, a shot that was uploaded a week ago will not show on the current ratings if you submit it now for critique.


Hope that helps

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jeff many thanks, my photos are from long time ago, i know that is another theme but why anonymous count and registered not, that is rubbish, when anonymous always rate 3/3 anything that is not a nude, i don't take pics of nudes, but please i have some pics where registered rate them as 6/6 average and anonymous 3.5/4, please this seems a joke for all of us
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Creeme, lo mejor es simplemente olvidarte de las puntuaciones e intentar establecer relaciones con otros fotografos que tienen el tiempo, profesionalidad, e interes en intercambiar "comentarios". (vamos, yo aun lloro como una quincenyera cuando me cayen las lluvias de 3's (como ultimamente con mis intentos de "street". No creia que promedios asi de bajos serian posibles ni si subiera fotos completamente negras!)).


En fin. A lo que digo es que a todos nos gusta sacar buenas marcas y figurar en las listas altas (y asi llegar a mas gente y sacar mas comentarios) pero los gustos son tan variados y los niveles de habilidad tambien que nos deja con gente "no preparada" viendo una zona desenfocada y creyendo que es un error en vez de profundidad de campo poco profundo a que si'?


Estoy de acuerdo con tu queja, pero intenta sacarle el positivo... comenta en todas las fotos que puedas, y asi recibiras lo mismo de vuelta.


Pues na'. Animo y buena suerte! Por cierto, eres miembro de "Fotolibre"? Si no, apuntate. Alli hay mogollon de talento y con ganas de ayudar.


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I've also seen shots where there was a wide gap between the anonymous and non-anonymous. I know in some cases at least, the anonymous were much closer on- I assume the non-anonymous were acquaintances of the poster, which is one of the reasons for using the anonymous ratings in the first place. Some folks have a lot of friends on here (or perhaps multiple accounts) and let that substitute for talent. It's not uncommon to have a couple of low anonymous ratings, but when you get a bunch of them and not many high ones, that's usually informative.


I don't recall, but there may also be a requirement for a certain number of rates- I don't think a single 7/7 moves you to the top of the rating pile, even though it's a perfect average.

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