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20D with UFO flying in images


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I have been shooting outdoor portraits for the past many months and rarely

had the chance to shoot at smaller apertures(f/11 and beyond) as I tend to

fashion the "blurred-background" look.


Last week I purchased a macro lens and stopped the lens down to f/16.

To my surprise,(I almosted fainted) I saw dots all over the image. First I

thought it was the lens, however, I switched to another lens(stopped down) and

found the same UFOs as the first image.


I know this is normal but didn't find it a problem for portraits.


What sensor brush/cleaner would you recommend? And how would you use it?

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Thank you for your comments...PLEASE RE-READ. Maybe you'll understand second time around, or maybe you'll never understand. If that's the case, keep your comments to yourself. You sure know how to make good friends.


"I have been shooting outdoor portraits for the past many months and rarely had the chance to shoot at smaller apertures(f/11 and beyond) as I tend to fashion the "blurred-background" look." Nothing's corrected,

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One more thing to add to by dear friend Leopold...


Thanks for letting me know that it's called sensor dust. I learn new things every day. Maybe, just maybe, if you could, please RE-read the question >>> What sensor brush/cleaner would you recommend? And how would you use it?

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yeah, sorry about that. I must have misunterpreted it. Its just that when you said "smaller apertures(f/11 and beyond) as I tend to fashion the "blurred-background" look." Did you mean beyond as in <11? I thought you meant beyond as in >11, especially since you mentioned f16 in the next sentence. Sorry 'bout that:)
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A Giotto Rocket Blower is great for dusting the sensor. Most of the time I find that using a blower is sufficient. Some people say that using a negative ionizer aids in removing the dust but I haven't tried that. For stubborn dust I use a Sensor Brush. You can buy cheap versions from CopperHill or an art store:




I have never had to use a wet cleaning method for the sensor yet.

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