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How to sell your photographs on-line

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I shoot high school sports and sell the photos to parents and others over the net. I've recently started to use Smugmug.com and find that they're great to deal with, easy to use and give you total flexibility on your pricing. I haven't customized the site to feature my logo, etc. yet, but will soon. </p>


<a href="http://danzimmerman.smugmug.com/gallery/2334453#122358716">Here's</a> a link to one of my galleries so you can see one example of what you can send to your customers.

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Depends on what you are trying to do and you have not specified this.


If you want to sell "Art" prints to ANY ONE then you need to be looking at a completely different service provider than if you are doing portrait, event, wedding etc etc where you might need private galleries for each customer.



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