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Hasselblad grips

brian steinberger

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I just bought a 501CM and the only thing I need yet is a grip. I used to have a

Bronica SQ-A and the grip was perfect. It held the camera and had a grip with a

shutter release and a flash shoe for in my right hand. All the Hasselblad grips

look like you hold the camera with the left hand. Can someone point me in the

right direction? I want something just like the Bronica speedgrip for the SQ-A,

but for my Hassy. THanks!



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The grips that go on the left are flash gun brackets. Of course, you don't have to put a flash gun on them, you can just use them for a grip. But if that's not to your liking, there have also been two pistol grips that mount underneath. The early one is coded TIHNC. The later one is much nicer, molded to fit your hand. Part# is 45047, or TIPGC.


The pistol grips seem right when the camera is to be raised to eye level, or nearly so--for a 90 degree or 45 degree prism. To use the waist level finder, the flash gun bracket will be more ergonomic. Part number 45020 or 45073 also have the molded, hand-fitting shape.


Yep, the offical Hasselblad grip is with the left hand. Left index finger on the trigger. Or if using the grip, left hand on the grip.

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To clarify: Are you looking for a Linhof type grip with release that fits the right-hand, rather than left and works with a bottom tripod type mount?


Linhof grips are a bit of one of my specialties. Right-hand grips that work for any camera are going to be super spendy. Write back with details.


That said, if you can settle for a lefthand grip, they were made and I have those as well... not quite as spendy.


(Sorry for seeming like a hardwarewhore, but a guy has to make ends meet.)

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Only the 503's have that feature, the 501 doesn't have a right hand grip. There is a 3rd party grip called the "Apcam" or something like that. However, don't quote me on this, it sort of voids any time of warranty if you use it and breaks the camera.

The 503 grips, BTW, costs as much as the body (about 400 or so)

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Brian, probably the best grip for modern Hasselblads is the motor drive grip with a wrist strap. Unfortunately it won't fit on the 501CM so the only alternative is the left hand grip, and here the news isn't great.


Firstly it was delisted about a year ago (without a replacement), so your best chance is Ebay although they don't come up that often and they're expensive. Secondly the cable release mechanism on the new grip is not very smooth, people have tried lubricating them and changing the cable but I've never heard a report from anyone saying they'd found a way of making the release smooth, predictable (ie you can balance it just at the point where the slightest additional pressure will trip the shutter), and vibration free.


The new grip was introduced to accomodate the revised style of tripod shoe, a shame IMO as the old grips were effective, cheap, and plentiful. It's almost as if Hasselblad is telling us that for hand-held use get an H series.

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I should probably be more careful about using the term "older". I tend to regard anything that supports V-System cameras as "older". Maybe it's because I'm "older".


Anyway, KEH does have at least one grip, the 45073, that works with the 501CM. There are a couple of older grips there ( 45020 and 45071) that I'm not sure about. Good luck.....

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