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Which are the cameras you want now and haven't had?


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Black Leica II (early type, preferably) and an M8.


In that order as some attempt at being realistic. I have a feeling the M8 is going to be upgradable so scarce on the used market for a long time to come - and then, pricey - imagine a nicely brassed one.... something like a nice old black Leica II, in fact !

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A pentax k10 digital with one of those DA pancake lenses, I forgot the exact mm but it is something in the 20mm range. That would be a cool shooter I would think.


Other than that I really want that new 28mm from Leica and need a camera body for it, my m3 has no framelines for the 28.


All in all I am good on equipment now though.

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How about lenses. Lets see, all three Konica 35's, the Konica 50 F1.2, a noctilux, both a pre-asph and a asph Lux 35, the Zeiss 25, the cron 75, one of the older nikon 50 f1.4s, a canon 50 1.2, canon 35 1.8, canon 35 f2, canon 35 f1.5, hmm, maybe that Zeiss 85 f2. And a brace of M8's to mount them on.


Oh, and I'll take that Hasselblad 503CWD and a Mamiya 6 each with normalish lens. Hmm, and maybe an Alpa too. And a drum scanner and maybe a Nikon 9000 scanner. Oh, and a new printer.


And an apartment each in Tokyo, Paris, and NY. Plus a living stipend.


Right. Where do I sign up?

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