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M8 Delivery

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If you're talking about SAP ... LOL ... the 'best' .... good one ... my sides are splitting .... can't stop laughing ... how about the hardest to use and the worst reporting ever ...



No. 1 within the ERP market today... 85% of the top 500 companies, may not be perfect, but good it is.


I've been working with SAP since the early days of R2, actualy worked with oracle too, as well as all the others, nothing can reach the SAP functionality, and hard to use .. yes, but once used ....

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Quality control is also a big time consumer at Leica. They rejected fully 50% of the DMR's due

to quality control issues. With the M8, I doubt the failure rate is that high, but 2000 M8's out

the door is likely to require building a lot more than 2000 M8's... Granted, they don't just

toss them in the bin (otherwise I would be going through the rubbish at the back of the

factory in Solms), but they would have to go through production again to be fixed and that

takes time. As someone else said, Leica is a small company. It is going to take them some

time to meet demand. I would rather that they release them as they make them then wait for

them to be able to release 20,000 at once some months down the road.

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If Leica shipped anything less than 'perfect' M8 units into the field, they would be a dead

duck within days...news would spread like wildfire and the bad press would kill the


This is realtively new territory for Leica and the expectation from the buyers is high, they

will be even more Quality conscious than before on the release of this product.


So yes delivery dates may slip due to last minute debugging etc. but it is a no brainer for

them even at the cost of pissing off some customers.The customer experience when he or

she opens the box must be spot on for the M8, Leica will not risk that even if it means



Remember Leica do not set the date of Photokina, if they had been able to move it back a

few months then I am sure they would have...all good things take time.

Enjoy it when it arrives and lets see what it can do.....

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"If Leica shipped anything less than 'perfect' M8 units into the field, they would be a dead duck within days...news would spread like wildfire and the bad press would kill the product."


Sadly, the fact is that it's highly unlikely there won't be a single M8 in the first batch that doesn't malfunction in even a small way, no matter how fastidious Leica tries to be. And before even calling Leica, that owner will very likely post a disgruntled rant to some internet forum. And there will be a flurry of "I told you so"s and gloating on the part of all who have been trying to convince themselves and others that the M8 is a piece of crap. But I don't think it would "kill the product" any more than the thousands of "reports" on the internet of malfunctioning Canon or Nikon dSLRs has killed those.

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<I>And there will be a flurry of "I told you so"s and gloating on the part of all who have been

trying to convince themselves and others that the M8 is a piece of crap.</I><P>


Feel free to post a few names and citations of those trying to convince others it's a piece of

crap. Should be pretty easy, right?

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...I ordered a Randall #5 Knife and put down a deposit for $50. The full cost of the fixed blade knife is $285. I will receive it, this time in 2011 (58 months). If I want one faster I can go on line or to a dealer and probably get one for, hmm about $1100. If I can find one.
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This is Off Topic but its the only way I can try to communicate with Jorge Torralba since he won't answer any type of email.

Why can't I register with a Yahoo or Hotmail email for the RF Forums? These are the only email addresses I have. As a long time Leica user and former Pro I would like to contribute to RF Forums but I can't. -Dick

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Sorry about not getting to your email. But, my inbox gets close to 300 emails per day.


Anyway, the answer to the hotmail, yahoo etc .. FREE email is due to abuse by people who sign up with the sole intention of being a troll and disrupting the community. With the free email there is no way of getting back to these people.


Send me another email today and I will see what I can do for you.





BTW, I get my M8 on Saturday. There are a bunch of folks on RFF who will be plenty busy this weekend using their new toy :)

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"I hate the fact that I'm being held by my balls just because a camera is so much in demand."


Wow you put down one hell of a deposit!


Seriously though, Leica doesnt often meet quoted deadlines and given that at Photokina they were still claiming to be using beta testing software it was pretty evident that delivery wasnt going to be quite on schedule till they got the bugs sorted and then thousands of cameras loaded with it.


Im sure you coud get your deposit back though.

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