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W/NW: Be Happy, It's Purim!

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M6TTL, 90mm Elmarit-M, Kodak HD-200. "What is Purim?", you ask?

Brief summary: Jewish holiday with theme: They tried to kill us.--We

survived.--Let's eat! Music, silly costumes, Hamantaschen

(traditional triangular pastries) and a little Slivovitz (a gut

wrenching plum brandy) to accompany it, are all part of the tradition,

along with the reading of the Megillah (Scroll telling history in the

time of Queen Esther). In Atlanta we have a Purim Parade each year.

This year's parade afforded a photojournalistic bonanza: There were

not one, but two costumed pugs! (see below)<div>00FdF3-28786784.jpg.53f96eab148b509607a9c8062764504a.jpg</div>

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Excellent job on these, Ollie. The straight horizons and in-focus subjects are proof that these were taken before the Slivovitz was served.


The "leave the schlepping to us" truck called to mind two of my own shots, taken from a car window in the NY area. I'm guessing they were taken around the time of a Jewish holiday (but not Purim), so I'm posting them anyway.<div>00FdFt-28787584.jpg.cf548ec1b22e47961a877ded1e33b418.jpg</div>

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