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Telephoto Lens for Pentax LX


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Just a thought, Jon- I'm a Pentax user also. But I have noticed that when you get into the oddball (IE, non-consumer) lenses in the Pentax system, Pentax made them, but they seem very scarce and/or overpriced. If you are looking at a significant chunk of money for the lens in question, you might want to consider getting a Canon (including FD) or Nikon lens, and then just buy a cheap film body to go with it.
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If you have the 500mm f4.5 Takumar you can use the 1.4X-L TC (and screw to K adaptor)on it with excellent results. The 1.4X-L would logically work also on the Pentax 500mm f4.5 lens as well.


The biggest weak point of this lens is its poor close focusing ability, otherwise it is a great lens.

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"I was really wondering about a zoom lens (800-1600). The 500mm that I have is an opteka. Can anyone tell me about zoom lenses of this mm?"


Yes, they are typically pieces of junk. Sorry to be so blunt, but its true. I fooled around with a Phenoix(?) once in this range. Terrible contrast. But what does one expect from a sub $150 lens in this range? If noting else the f stop on those lenses is typically something like f22 on the long end.


Pentax used to and I think Sigma may still make a zoom in the 135-600mm range. Both of these lenses list well above $2,000 (more likely $5,000 for the Pentax now). Doesn't sound like that is what you are interested in though.

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