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want to buy canon L lens

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I have been taking photo's for a year and a half know and have a

300d camera.I am thinking of getting an L lens. I have the kit

lens, a 50 1.8, 75-300 is, 28-135 is. I inquired about the 70-200L4

and the dealer said get the 70-200-2.8 is. I also thinking also

about the 100-4004L.I take photo's anything from flowers to birds in

the bay. I find that I cant get the close shot I want with the 300is

of birds in the water.

The last thing is a lens to give me sharper images.


Thanks Ron A

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Canon's L lenses are great and most always provide sharper images than the consumer grade lenses, and certainly have a better build. However, any L is a major investment!


My point is . . .


Do the research in regards to what aperture, focal length, IS or Not, what TC's will work or not, etc., etc, that works best for your overall shooting situations.


You already have a pretty good range of focal lengths covered. I assume you have done the Tripod, Mirror Lockup thing etc. to get the most out of the lenses you already have.


I know where you are coming from, . . . I've been there, done that! I am extremely happy with my decision on the 100-400L after almost a years reading and researching which L would best suit my needs and just how much I could afford. I do mostly hand held wildlife and motosports so the 100-400 was best for me!


Now, another point to consider! In order to obtain the fullest extent of the 100-400's advantages, I ended up upgrading my body from the Elan 7e to the EOS3. Although I can assure you that I have no regrets, the body upgrade was an added expense also, and have you checked the prices on the 77mm filters!


Simply put . . . Buy wisely!

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