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these are just the photos from a project ive been working on

documenting the destruction of local farms/dairys. this project was

done over the last couple months and is actually not even finished yet.


this gallery is from the first farm i visited. "hillview farm."

any critiques, good or bad are much appreciated. especially

constructive so i can take thoughts and suggestions into consideration

on the final farms of this project. also, these arent the best scans

so the quality isnt perfect.


thank you very much.





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The broad landscapes show abandoned areas but no real definition of them. The detail images show things like the door of a trailer...


It's difficult to give that a theme and more likely to take the images as unrelated.


For example there are photos of new subdivisions standing next to Amish farm barns...and that has definition.


Or an abandoned factory itself has much definition...

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what B.Hall said. You have four photographs of sky, three photographs exercising scale and perspecive of the wide angle (roads), & few close ups that aren't very good compositions. The best are photographs nos. 6, 9, & 10 but I think you need a really strong shot. Or two. I'm sorry. I like the fact that all of them have similar light (overcast sky). I won't comment on technical qualities of your scanned images as you pointed out problems with scanning. I just hope your C-prints look much better.
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