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Converting 30 D files with both Mac and MS Media ctr


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I have a 30D and recently have begun shooting RAW. This has made a significant

improvement in my results.


I have a MS Media Center desktop and an Apple MacBook laptop. I have been

looking for a RAW conversion program that I can use on both platforms.


Bibble Pro apparently allows loading the software on both platforms as long as

the software is used by only one user.


I hve been reading several photo articles that have done conparisons of RAW

conversion software and I was surprised to see the difference in results

between the different programs. This surprised me because I originally thought

that if you took a RAW file as originally shot, all software conversions would

result in the same image before making post production modifications. Appently

there are differences in the RAW conversions as well.


My question is without spending $500++, what is the most realistic RAW

conversion program which has good post production tools and an intuitive work

flow? If the program works on both MS and Mac platform that is an added.




PS If this is the wron forum for this question I;m sorry, but I'm interested

in what specificly works best with my Canon 30D images.

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DPP or Adobe Lightroom would be my choice. Lightroom is $200, ships on tuesday and is a superb RAW converter and workflow tool. You've already got DPP.


RAW conversion depends heavily on the software, and the look you get does vary with software. The Adobe converters are pretty much the default tool as they are quite good and most people have it already (ACR in Photoshop CS/CS2 and Elements 3 or later). DPP's actually pretty decent and the best way to get conversions that resemble the in-camera JPEG's.

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