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DR5 Slides Awesome!

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I decided to experiment and try the dr5 black and white slide process.

Just got back my first slides, and they are awesome! I tried Scala,

HP5, and T-Max100 in this process. Each has a unique result. The Scala

looks just like regular Scala in the Scala process (so this is a good

replacement lab now that all but Main Photo can no longer do Scala).

HP5 gives a very contrasty result with very black blacks, it reminds

me of old photos. I shot it at 800 iso. T-Max 100 is my favorite - a

neutral lower contrast black and white, with incredible resolution and

lack of grain.

Now I want to try the Sepia dr5 process with these films.

Anyways, I highly recommend dr5 for anyone who wants to try something

new and unique. If you have not tried BW slides, you will be in for a

nice suprise. (hint, shoot people/emotions, or try architecture).

Oh yes, the price is a bit high at $13 a roll, but considering what we

spend on lenses, accessories, etc., it is not that bad if you are

shooting only a few rolls at most.

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dr5 makes it possible to scan 35mm with a flatbed scanner. I would have sworn this was impossible - 35mm is ordinarily much too soft in a flatbed. Last fall I sent a roll of 35mm taken at Coney Island through dr5, and they scanned (and printed) razor sharp.


Expensive (though less expensive than B&W specialty labs here in New York), but highly recommended all the same.

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I'll add my endorsement of DR5 as well; I've now tried 6 different films with them, and I'm

blown away by the results. Thus far the clear winner for me is Plus-X (incredible sharpness

and resolution), with Scala and HP4 looking very impressive as well. I'm in the process of

scanning a big batch right now, and I find that these slides scan very well. All in all well worth

the price.

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What about sending from abroad? Have you experience with clients from Europe? I'm interested in your process, but sending films from north Europe sounds a bit risky when it comes to x-rays etc. Anyway, I will try this later. How is it with S8? What to expect when processing Plus-X 8mm in DR5?

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