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Weight differnce between 35 Lux Ash BLACK vs CHROME

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I have finally done it. Traded my Lux 35mm "Aspherical" first

version for a new 35 Lux Asph and 90 Apo Asph. I haven't

recieved the lenses yet but am faced with the tuff choice between

a black or chrome 35mm. Leica's info says the black weighs

250g and the chrome at 415g. other info I found says the black is

310g. I know my lens I just tradec is about 300g, so maybe it is

all confused. Anyway I need to know what everyone's thoughts

are and whether you believe that the chrome is a lot heavier than

the black. i guess having a chrome body would look nice with a

chrome lens and a black 90. Anyway what do we all think.






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35 and a 90 huh? Sounds like a killer combo. Is this basically a 2

lens set you're using? I am still somewhat debating between a 35

lux and 75 or 90. I have the chrome 35 and it's sweet. I don't

notice the weight when it's on the body, it has a nice balance.

And, it looks great together. Go for the chrome, not much of a

weight factor.

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I use the 35 lux aspheric in black. I believe it is 310 grams. I

think the cron aspheric is 250. I have seen this mixed up in several

places. Brian Bower in The Leica Lens Book has it as 310 and 415

(chrome). Sartorius in Identifying Leica Lenses has the black

version at 310. I'd avoid the chrome vers. personally as the black

one is heavy enough. It is approximately twice as heavy as my 35 pre

aspheric cron which is a joy to carry and use. Good luck.

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James, I will be using the Lux35/Cron90 setup because it is my

only choice. I would like to add a 24/28 and a 50 lux later, once

I've made my fortune or sold my fiance.




Anyway I am still unsure because I like the heft of a solid lens. If

the lens does weight only 250g in black, it will be lighter than my

previous model and thus feel kinda cheap. Maybe the chrome is

better, but considering I'll be carrying around the Cron90 now, I

may have to think twice. Anyway I don't have much time. Oh, this

is such a bitch over such a minute detail really.

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I look at weight when I pick equipment to travel with. A few grams

here and there add up. The chrome lenses wear better as I understand

they use brass versus aluminum in the black versions. My 40 year old

90 Summicron looks better than my 30 year old 135 Elmarit, although

the Summicron gets used 10 times as often. The lighter lenses are

nice when you have to carry them all day.




Bottom line it is your choice. Go into a shop and look at the lenses

and heft them. What do YOU think? It is your money.

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The provblem i have is that the only store in Melb that stocks

these won't even take them out of the box unless you put money

on the counter. They are also rude and useless unless you

show them the money. I like the silver look but want other's

opinions on the weight difference in the field. that's all. please

help...I can't rest...can't sleep. I am going insane. Shit, I guess I

should start taking pictures to relax myself...oh damn, I don't

have my lens anymore...or any other lens. Help please!

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Behold, Kristian, you will fall under a deep restful slumber,

and you will have a vision of the most beautiful color to grace a

Leica lens- not burnt umber,

Like a silver lining in a dark cloud you will find your lens finish,

and your current hand-wringing will give way to your wish-

to pick the silver, which like in the Olympics is the next best





(Hey Leica doesn't even offer gold)

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Wow, that trance worked. I emailed the seller and asked to order

a chrome version. I don't know whether it was possible to

change the order, but if not, fate will prevail. We'll see. I don't care

anymore. This is ridiculous. I am ridiculous. Thanks anyway

guys. Your help and comments are always appreciated.





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Kristian, I hope your time is not up. I'd get the black 1.4/35. The

newest handbook and catalog here (in German) say 250/415 g. So the

black one is 40% lighter. It's not just those couple of grams for that

one lens, but when you carry several lenses around with you at the

same time, that one offer to "save weight" might help. Apart from

that, I think (again my own feelings here) that any black lens on any

black or chrome body looks okay, but a chrome lens looks good only on

a chrome body.

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Hello Kristian. As you have said you're probably committed to

the 'chrom Lux .. so be it. However,if you're not and happen to be in

my hometown Sydney, it would be a pleasure to let you try a roll or

two with my 'chrome Lux before the final decision. Regards.

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Leica is very heavy, especially th R system I love and cherish.

Never mind my odd tastes.




Your question baffled me. But of course I have no idea of how "good"

it feels to have a ligher or heavier lens.




Let me be a dictator: go to a shop, ask for both, mount them on you M

Body, look at what seems better and sign off the check.




You will feel good and this is my hope.




Xavier from France with a taste for calf's head, R system and Provia


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Kristian, I visited a great Leica shop in Melbourne, can't remember

where it is now. Please let me know if you have a spare mo'. I think

black lens on chrome body looks great; vice versa combo not so hot. I

had an old black 35 Lux, a tiny marvel; and a giant old chrome 90

Cron. But I'm sure the chrome Lux will both look great and wear well,

while a black 90 will be significantly lighter.

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