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Missing sensor on MX Flash Unit


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I recently purchased 3 Minox MX refurbished sets, and on two of the

flash units, the flash sensor is covered or missing. On the third,

it's present. Has anyone read any explanation of this, is it a

manufacturing glitch, or is the sensor perhaps there, and the dimple

for the sensor just didn't pop out cleanly? Any assistance


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I believe the Acmel versions of the Minox MX (Acmel MD) had an accompanying flash unit, the MDX, which has the flash sensor present and functional. I'm not sure what you'd find under that dimple, if anything, on the MX flash.


Does your MX flash on those two units look like this photo?



Also, see Gerald McMullon's webpages on the MX and its Acmel and Fuji brethren:



--Micah in NC

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The link you are looking for is

<a href="http://www.submin.com/8x11/collection/minox/accessories/electronicflash_mx.htm">http://www.submin.com/8x11/collection/minox/accessories/electronicflash_mx.htm</a>


In 2001 Minox introduced the Minox MX with flash unit. Some MX flash units have a sensor, like the Acmel MDX strobe, others have this window covered over. Minox recommend that this flash is not used with other Minox cameras. The connector is similar to that of the 8x11 electronic flash and the LX adapter for it will fit the MX strobe. Some owners have found no problem in using this arrangement, others find that their Minox B or C does not synchronise with it.



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  • 2 months later...

I bought the units from KBCameras, and while they were supportive, that was the end of it. The US Minox group was clueless, they gave me an email addy for Minox Germany, multiple emails didn't even get me a "Ich spreche nicht Englisch." The instructions accompanying the Mixox MX refer to the flash sensor both in form and in function. I have learned the sensor is linked to the camera's ISO speed (which you set on the Acmel MD, but not the Minox MX). I've decided this was some snafu that Minox didn't care about because they didn't make the camera anyway. Still, flash pictures turn out fine, but they're serious about that 6 feet limit with ISO 100 film. BTW, the MX takes very nice daylight photos, though the ND4 renders it less pocketable (for fear of scratching the plastic). Thanks to all for the input. <BR><BR>




<a href="http://www.jeteyemister.com/images/MINOX_MX_FLASH_COMP.jpg" target="_new">Comparison Photos of the flash units in question</a>

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