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W/NW Agfa Scala Samples

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And processed in Scala, DR5; or as conventional negative film?


BTW, the nurse in the middle is blown out, while the tree leaves in the upper left lost their shadow detail. What did you scan the film with?


[Hey, I had a crummy day, trapped inside because of sh*tty winter weather here in south Jersey. Hey, how many people do you know who actually WANT to live in New Joisey, anyway?!]

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Processed in Scala... Not the best sample, taken in the middle of the day in the middle of a very, very hot summer in Europe... But there's something about that Scala "glow." I was hoping to see other Scala samples.


Jersey, huh? You have my sympathies (from Southern California) -- I would have said "sunny" SOuthern Cal, but it's been raining on and off out here.



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Nice pics everyone! For those who dont know it, Scala can still be processed via BH Photo mailers thru Main Photo in California, or thru dr5.com. To me, both places give identical looking Scala results (Great!). Main photo is easier with the mailers, but dr5 can process other BW films also for unique looking results, including sepia and blue toned slides. Check their site out for film sample results. Dr. Wood, you really should set up a mailer program with BH or Adorama, it would be much more convenient.
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hope nobody minds that i posted more than my share. i absolutely love this film. does anyone know why the dev process is still proprietary? why don't they just open it up? or i guess - why didn't they open it up before closing their doors? maybe the could have made a few extra bucks? ennh, what do i know...<div>00FX06-28622184.jpg.5e59db27193604fb057d3c141a33fbcd.jpg</div>
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<i>Max, dozing off as usual...</i>


That looks like a "Gold" Max :) (Is he?) (I guess he could be gray (or "silver"), but he has that "gold" look to me. I have two gold tabbies, one is a total fraidy cat, scared of his own shadow, timidest cat I've ever seen. The other it total swagger, moves slow, not a mean bone in him, built like a tank -- but if he thinks he's offended you, he will run and hide for hours; so gotta be careful not to give him a dirty look or scold him when he hops up in my lap.)

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