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What is so wrong with the 30D?


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Carl, you started a thread accusing the many many of us who are deeply disppointed by the 21D of somehow not getting it. imo, you're the one not getting it. and, i presented reasons why i believe that. reasons you haven't addressed. instead, you've chosen to attack me personally. don't people who disagree with you have a right to express their opinion, without being personally attacked?
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Please stay calm folks. This is a good thread, so don't force Bob to delele it. We're difference, and it's good. Please present your points and respect others'. At least we have a common interest that we love Canon EOS and this forum, isn't it?
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Just a response to the original question. People are probably a little disappointed that there was not a hugh jump in specs from the 20D. I had the the same disappointment with the nikon D70 going to the d70s which finally lead me to buy the canon 20D. If I'd waited I could have bought the new nikon, but i wouldn't have had a great DSLR.


Remember that Photokina is this fall (I think) and canon may release something very special then. Maybe another camera with a full frame sensor, or 12 megapixel aps-c size sensor or something.


Obviously for us who love new gear, specifications, etc....the big two will continue to offer great stuff. The question is....do you want to spend $1500-2000 every 12-13 months?

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Many (if not most) of the comments here are related to "upgrading" from a one or two generation old camera. To me, this is pretty silly unless you just have to have the latest gear. This is still silly, but I can understand it. Some decisions are just emotional and not rationale, like buying a new car. Nothing wrong with that unless you don't recognize it.


However, I would submit that there is still a huge number of film shooters who are waiting for their personal "features vs. price point" camera to appear. For many, the 30D may be the trigger point.


Is the 30D a huge evolution for a 10D or 20D owner? No. Is it a huge evolution for an Elan owner? Yes. (Note that I didn't say "better.")


Years ago, I told myself I would go digital when I could get a 3D for under $3,000. Well, I didn't quite hold out, since I determined that the 5D was attractive enough to make the switch from my 3.


Will I be eagerly waiting for a 5DnSMkXLIV? No. But I will continue to be academically interested in the technology changes even as I happily continue to shoot with my 5D until it no longer does what I want to do (which will probably be when it breaks).


Continued happy shooting to all!

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