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Any new B&W printers on the horizon? HP, Canon or Epson?

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Does anyone have knowledge of any B&W photo inkjet printers due to come out in the near

future? I am looking for a good printer for B&W and I can't seem to decide on any of the

current models available, as they all seem to have drawbacks for my particular use. I don't

want to settle if I don't have to. I can be patient, but at least knowing if HP, Canon or Epson

has something in the works for B&W printers in the near future would make the wait much

easier. Right now I am just going on HOPE! Please feel free to give any insight you may have.

Much appreciated! Regina

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Hi Regina,


Yes HP and Canon have announced new pigment printers with additional inks for B/W (HP and Canon), and one new dye ink printer (Canon). The HP will retail at $699 and it apparently will accept some types of Hanamuhle (spellin...apologies) paper; I don't know about the Canon printers. And overall I have not heard of any actual reviews of these new printers.


Apparently Epson is upgrading some of their existing printers too...I saw some info in about this as well. I imagine that 26 Feb. (Sunday) when the PMA event begins, more info will be available.


There have been some posts here on the topic already; the DP Review forum has some info in the discussion Printer group (www.dpreview.com), and a couple of the name reviewers (www.outbackphoto.com) have posted info too.



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Regina, right now is an exciting time for black and white inkjet, and I say that as a 30 year veteran of traditional silver darkrooms. But the two developments that have most caught my attention aren't about printers per se, they're about what you print onto, and how you manage the printer.


Firstly, there's a new paper due to be released in the next few weeks that has the black and white community breathless with anticipation. It's called Crane Museo Silver Rag and it promises to get us considerably closer to the traditional look of the air-dried, glossy, fibre based print.


Secondly, Colorbyte will next week ship the Imageprint RIP for the Epson R2400. Not cheap, but it'll predictably and reliably deliver superb black and white prints on a huge range of papers with precise tonal options.

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If you're serious about B&W inkjet, learning, photography etc you'll want to join the Yahoo B&W inkjet group.


There are many fine papers, some of which begin to look like air-dried glossy (specifically for those driven to "look like" more than to make strong images).


Many of the current art print papers are far more attractive and valuable to others than traditional B&W photo papers ever were. The digital printing process offers far better control over tones, dodging/burning etc, and greater sharpness than enlargers could ever render, even from scanned 35mm silver film negatives.

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Wow! With the advice that you kind folks offered, I was pointed in the right direction and

got some very positive information off of Steve's Digicam site with reference to the

upcoming PMA Show. HP will be debuting the Photosmart Pro 9189 13"x19" printer, with 8

individual pigment ink tanks, including the array of blacks needed for B&W printing. The

estimated street price is $699.00. The down side is the size and weight...27" wide and

almost 40lbs! Canon will also debut the Pixma Pro 9500 with 10 individual pigment based

ink tanks, including the 3 shades of black. This is very exciting to know that all the

manufacturers are understanding that there is a need to offer an alternative to the

traditional darkroom with their inkjet printers. I am also glad that Canon is finally jumping

into the game, as I vowed to NEVER buy another Epson after suffering for so long with the

clogged head situation. I have a Canon now (Pixma 8500) and have never experienced a

clogging problem, even after not using it for a month at a time. <p> http://www.steves-

digicams.com/pma2006_index.html <br>Here is the Steve's Digicam link for the PMA

'Breaking News', in case anyone wants to read the entire articles on the above printers

mentioned. Thanks for all your advice! Regina

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