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Saving Keywords in CS2 Bridge without re-starting?

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I spent several hours the other night organizing hundreds of pictures with

Keywords in CS2 Bridge. At some point, late in the evening, I hurried

something or other and Bridge 'froze' requiring me to 'force Quit' and of course

lose ALL of the Keyword data I had so tediously worked on, even the

keywords themselves.


Is there a way to save this type of data periodically without actually quitting the

program and then re-starting, just to save changes?


Perhaps 'refresh?' I can't really figure out what it does.


Thanks, Dennis

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I may well be wrong but I got the impression Bridge saved all the keywords on-the-fly so to speak... saving them to the images in the background as you work.

Maybe worth double checking it didn't embed them into some of the files you were working on at the time... in which case you should get them all back.

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Dave, I thought so too, but apparently it's not the case. Not only did the

Keywords not remain (on either metadata or in the keyword list) but pictures

and folders I had placed in the 'Favorites' folder did not remain either.


The only thing I see that is not affected are the changes you make within

folders or storage locations on your hard drive.


The real 'red flag' visible in all this is that if you ever have to force quit Bridge.

it restarts back where it started the last time you used it. For some reason I

seem to think ratings remain, but I may be wrong.


Thanks for the comment. Dennis

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