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Medical Usage of Macro 35-70/f4

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When I perform intraoral surgery, I usually take pre-operative and post-operative photos with my friend's Nikon's Medical-105mm (with flash ring). I wonder what flash ring model can fit my Marco 35-70/f4 best for such purpose? Albert, do you have any idea?
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Sometimes it is easier to have a camera and lens dedicated for

clinical macrophotography; you at least then can maintain a single

type of film stock in the camera body without wondering whether

you need to change film from whatever you may have been using. Leica

is probably not the best platform for this type of photography,

although I have not personally used their reflex cameras for this

purpose. I have done a fair amount of this photography in my

ophthalmic plastic surgery practice and have had excellent results

from both Minolta and Nikon systems, using their respective dedicated

ringflashes. Leica doesn't make a ringflash, so you are going to

need another brand flash and a 60mm to 62mm size step-up ring

(or whatever other size the flash ring attachment requires for its

lens adapter). Both the Nikon and Minolta ringflashes include

adapter rings as part of their kits (Canon, OTOH, does not include

adapters, go figure). My brief survey at the B+H website shows no

dedicated TTL-meter-controlled ringflash options for Leica, but the

last word would have to be from the people at Leica. One word of

encouragement: the Minolta 100/2.8 macro is an exceptionally fine

optic and you do not need an expensive body to get the most from this

lens in clinical photography (FWIW, a "mint" Maxxum SLR body and a

similarly good condition ringflash kit would cost less than the lens

itself). Charles, email me if you want more details as this is sort

of off-topic for Leica.

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