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Fish eye converter?


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Hi you all, I bought a EOS 350D recently and I want to expirience a

bit with fish eye photos. But a Canon one cost around 450�! And it�s

not like I�m going to use it every day! What if I buy a converter?

Will I lose to much quality? thanks for the answers!


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I am beginning to see this response to questions of using a fisheye a lot on the web lately. A camrea with a 1.6 crop factor can use a fisheye lens. It may not show 360 degrees of what you're shooting, but it will be close. There are two fisheye lenses that are commonly used on cameras like the EOS 350D. The one I use is the Sigma 8mm f/4.0 EX DG. I like this lens very much, but given what you stated above, I don't know if it fits your budget any more than the Canon 15mm (which by the way, doesn't offer much of a fisheye perspective on a camera like the EOS 350D. The Sigma retails for around $500 to $550. You can see examples of photographs I have taken with this lens here:




Another option is the Peleng 8mm f/3.5 lens. It retails for around $200 to $270...with the best prices it seems on Ebay. I have seen examples of photos taken with it and I don't think they are as clear as the photos shot by the Sigma 8mm, but given the price I think it is a very good value.


Good luck,



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As said before, 16mm fisheyes aren't that useful on a digital camera with a crop factor.


Nikon makes a 10.5mm fisheye that is for their 1.5X crop factor digital cameras but it is around $550 although it would probably work great with the Nikon->Canon adapter on a 1.6X crop Canon body.


I guess your other choice is the 8mm Peleng, here's an example on the 1.6X crop Canon.



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I second what J. W. Wall says about the Russian Zenit 16 fisheye, it's good and it's cheap. There are several different software options out there that allow you to defish your 16 Zenit images, which allows you to use it like a very wide angle lens. Image quality loss is minimal, depending on the quality of the original image.
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Hi you all! thanks for all the answres! Well I was looking on ebay for the lenses you recommend , and the Peleng 8mm is 200 � , the zenitar 16mm is around 130�. But would a 16mm really have a fish eye with a 1.6 crop factor? Will I get the espherical effect I�m looking for? Or is the 8mm better?

thanks again!



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