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Help first time buyer deciding new kit

mark shaxted

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I'm looking to buy my first DSLR (probably, but not necessarily, a

30D) in the next 3 or 4 weeks, and I'm having a major dilemma

choosing equipment. My requirements are fairly broad, including

landscape & nature plus anything in between. I would like good

optics from the outset, plus everything else I need for a starter

kit - such as tripod & kit bag etc.


Bearing in mind I have set myself a budget of ᆪ3000 (GBP) MAX, what

would you guys with DSLR experience suggest would be the best way to

spend my money? What essentials should ever (even basic) kit have?


BTW - I used to own a Minolta 300X until some toe-rag stole it in

Berlin in 1991, so I'm used to a manual SLR etc so I think a 350D

would be too limiting (not enough play with!) from the start.


Kind regards to all that help!



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Hi Mark


I can only comment from my own very limited experience; I'm sure others will be far mnore useful. I thought long and hard before committing to Canon as I thought it would be a very long term relationship once I invested in lenses. I bought a 300D two years ago and I have been very happy with it and am still learning about some of its functionality. I would think these days with a little more cash I would go for the 30D as you intend to do.

My regret was buying the kit lens. I was very disappointed with it and quickly bought a 17-40 then the 70-200 f/4. I since supplemented this with a 50 /1.8. I worked on the basis/hope that these would long outlast the body and would take me through a couple of upgrades at least. I hate spending money twice! On the same basis I bought a decent tripod, a Gitzo Explorer 2228, and a Markins M10 head as very long term investments.

I know people here will say you can buy smaller to begin with then sell on via the auction site but I just try to keep life simple and have as much quality as I cvan to begin with.

I would think carefully about lenses and maybe just pick up a 50 /1.8 to build a core of knowledge about the 30D and then slowly go from there as priorities emerge. HTH

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Thanks Jim


One thing I ommited, is that I'm taking on a loan (or at least a buy now pay in 9 months time) - so I'm probably better off getting what I 'think' I need to start with, otherwise I could end up needing something fairly soon, but not being able to afford it for another 9 months!

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I started to write out a three grand list BUT ... when I saw you say that you were going to get a loan. If you buy new then 80% of what you spend will go on the last 10% of image quality. Having gone from 300D to 5D I know how true this is.


So to get your 90% of image quality


Used 300D (with kit lens) e.g via ebay.co.uk �350+ ish (be paitent)


Canon 50mm 1.8 70 quid ish


Photoshop elements 4 (or 3 if you can get a copy)


A couple of 1 GIG CF cards


A card reader to read them


Bag Lowpro TLZ1


Everything else can wait while you debug your worklow, skill set and adjust your head.


Cost LESS THAN 600 quid and no-one outside of photo forums (and very few inside) would tell the difference. :)




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As with most of the posts, spend the money on the best glass you can

afford. Then a 20D would be good, and if you can get it used, then

that would be a good route. I don't think digital rocks the landcape

world as much as film, especially with the cropping factor of the

10D/ 20D / rebel, etc. My story is interesting - I use digital for

alot of people stuff, and snaps, and use b/w film and a scanner for

anything artistic.

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I didn't think 3000 (GBP) was on the cheap!


I'm almost certain it'll be a 30D body, 430 Flash, 2GB Extreme III

Tripod - don't know

Lenses - don't know (min 17, max not sure 200+) maybe 1.4 ext

Bag - don't know

Filters - don't know (but something protective)

+things I haven't thought about


I'm think to 70-200 (320 equiv FOV). What's this like on a 1.6 crop? Does anyone have any uncropped pics of sunrise/sunset or moonrise/moonset @200mm? It's a frame of reference I'm used to. Also, if any one has similar with a 1.4 ext that would be great!


Thank you

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Hi Mark


I agree this is a big commitment and you seem to be getting it right. There's tonms of good advice here not least the stuff about the possible rebates. I see the 5D is curently rebated here for example and I suspect Canon will do like wise in areas of their range before very long. The only area of advice I would question is over the 70-200. I bought the f/4 in the end largely on cost grounds and also because optically it is reckoned to be pretty comparable with the f/2.8.


In fact I borrowed a friend's f/2.8 and it was significantly bigger, heavier and more noticeable. If you really need the extra stop it's a no brainer but I suspect the high ISO performance on the 30D will be more than enough to compensate. If it were me I would be tempted to put the bulk of the investment into decent glass, quality tripod etc and look for a used body. In truth the 30D will be yesterday's news 18 months down the line and it's currently carrying a price premium.


I'm curently saving for the 5D to be bought hopefully when its successor is launched and its price consequently falls. Good luck and keep us posted.



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If I had that much money to spend (approx $5,255 USD) I would buy a new/used 20D (~$1000), 2 2GB Compact Flash Cards ($200), (17-40L F4 ($670), 50 F1.8 ($80), 70-200 2.8 IS ($1690), 100 2.8 Macro ($460), 2 77mm B+W Multi-Coated UV filters ($220), 1 58mm B+W MC UV Filter ($80), 1 52mm B+W MC UV Filter ($50), 1 77mm B+W Wide Angle Circular Polarizing Filter ($160), Carbon Fiber Tripod with Head (~$290), Lowepro All weather backpack ($110), & a 580EX Flash ($240).


That adds up to $5250. You can spend your last five dollars on some ice cream.

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There are already lots of good suggestions here! After all . . . "everyone likes to spend someone elses money!"

Spend it wisely my friend! And no, I don't have any answers relating to digital. I'm still in the film world until I can build up my knowledge and equipment for "post processing" which I am beginning to realize can be quite an investment in itself! Even more than the Camera Equipment!


From my time spent here reading and studying on PN and as the knowledge gained relates to digital . . . Don't forget . . .

-Computer with adequate software

-Sensor cleaning

-Lens Hoods

-In the field gear protection for rain and adverse weather. (more electronics, more concern)

-Batteries & charger costs.


I agree with possibly going for the used digital body and as many "L's" as you can afford. Just don't forget to allow for the "post processing" essentials.


My .02 (USD) worth!

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