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advice on flash


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When the FM2 was very popular (at its introduction), probably 75% or more of them mounted a Vivitar 283 flash. There is no real reason to spend money on 'dedication' or dedicated flashes as the only thing you gain is a ready light in the viewfinder.


Having said that, the 'computerized' flashes offer tremendous flexibility. Something like a Nikon SB-28 ($79 in 'bgn' from keh.com) has bounce, swivel, 'any f-stop you like' auto mode, and covers a number of different focal lengths efficiently.


I wrote up a page on flash basics that might interest you:



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Check out the Nikon SB-22. It's smaller than the 28 with a simpler interface, and the light is not as blindingly bright. It also has a bounce feature, which is very handy.


Prices for used Nikon speed lights are so low that it doesn't make sense to buy a third party brand. Also, going with Nikon allows you to take advantage of the TTL feature -- let Nikon's engineering do the work for you and you get nice exposures every time. I suggest you do a google search on 'how to use nikon flash' and you'll get a bunch of sources, if you want to use the net. Otherwise, tons of books at the library. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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The FM2 doesn't do TTL with a flash. That's why I initially suggested a non-dedicated unit (then retraced to the SB-28).


The SB-22 is smaller and cheaper (half the price) than the -28, but it's also 1/4 the power (two stops less). This can be a big deal if you use it for bounce. With either flash in 'auto mode', the light is only as 'blindingly bright' as it needs to be.

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Oops, my bad on the TTL for the FM2. (Guess I shouldn't post after midnight.) However, stay with the Nikon speed lights -- great value in today's used market. And if you upgrade to a later model body (short of digital), you'll be all set. Cheers.
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I'd get an SB-24,25 or 26 and use it in A (Auto) mode. Works like a charm, will do TTL on other nikon TTL film bodies and is better built and more powerful than the Vivitar 283 for roughly the same cost.
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