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135/2 & 85/1.2


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Hey everyone can I see some shots of these two lenses shooting wide open? I

would like to get one sometime, but prolly not both. From what I read both

are highly regarded but I'm a visual person and I just wanna see what kinda

shots we're talking about. My fastest lens was a 1.4 but it is a 50 and I

wanna see some fast tele work. Thanks a million!



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Hi, dear friend. My brother it's an owner of both the FD 135 mm f/ 2 and FD Canon 100 mm f/ 2, both equipped with last version of the famous FD breech mount. The FD 135 mm f/ 2 it's a very good lens, both for optical and mechanical quality. However, i prefer the FD 100 mm f/ 2, a true optical jewel.

The Canon FD 85 mm f/ 1,2 it's a fantastic lens, an optical and mechanical dream.



Vincenzo Maielli Italy

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I have the 85/1.2, the 100/2 and the 135/2.


I'm sorry that I can't post any photo's but I have no scanner.


I had the 100/2 first and made lots of shots at F2. It gives very good background blur. The 100/2 is also an extremely sharp and contrasty lens, maybe too sharp for portraits. It's also a small lens (Filter size 52mm)


The 85/2 is just awesome. I almost always use it at F 1.2. The bokeh is unbelievable. Since I have this lens I stopped using the 100/2, even if the 85 weighs more than double. aesthetically, I think this is the most beautiful lens I have.


The 135/2 is a very good lens. Mine is not as sharp as the 100/2. it's a very big lens which is expertly made. It gives a distinct tele perspective. Foreground subjects come distinctly loose from the background.


I also have the 50/1.2 ASPHERICAL. A true gem, really sharp and very high colour saturation but in bokeh the 85/1.2 beats it. Since I have the 85/1.2 I almost don't use it any more, too.


The 85/1.2 is something really special, and personally I wouldn't hesitate to choose it, if I had to choose between the 135/2 and the 85/1.2.





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