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How do you 'max' your Leica?


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There are situations where I could simply not get the photo with any other camera -

period. Like working in an orphanage in Addis Ababa with my M's. Tri-X, shooting wide

open, hand held, at 1/8 to 1/15th sec - and pulling sharp and impactful 11X14's from the

negs. Nothing else can do this - not Nikon, Canon, Hassy, whatever. And to the extent

that my Leica gear is very unimposing to my subjects, I doubt if I could get what I do with

even the highest MP DSLR's.

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"There are situations where I could simply not get the photo with any other camera -

period. Like working in an orphanage in Addis Ababa with my M's. Tri-X, shooting wide

open, hand held, at 1/8 to 1/15th sec....Nothing else can do this - not Nikon, Canon"


That's a big, bold, and difficult to defend absolutist claim. Why do you think this is unique

to Leica Ms? People like Peress and Nachtwey seem to pull off this kind of thing just fine

with their supposedly clunky Canons.

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"People like Peress and Nachtwey seem to pull off this kind of thing just fine with their

supposedly clunky Canons."


Dose of reality?


1) prove it.


2) If proved, prove you are as good as they are.


Dose of mechanical reality:


Most any rangefinder is easier for most people to hold steadier than the average SLR or

DSLR. There's no mirror flap. Doesn't mean one person can't hand hold a SLR steadier than

the next person.


Give a steady Eddy a SLR and a rangefinder and, more likely than not, he'll be able to hold

the rangefinder a bit steadier ... because ... there's no mirror flap.

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I didn't use the word "Leica" Boris, you did. "I said rangefinder".


Rangefinders not only don't have mirror vibrations at slower shutter speeds, they don't have

to stop down the lens. Ever wonder why there's a mirror lock up on SLRs?


Each type of camera has it's strengths and weakness. To say they're all equal, and then claim

some famous shooter proves your point is nonsense.

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<I>To say they're all equal, and then claim some famous shooter proves your point is



Huh??? Where did he say they are all equal? And I don't see how his claim has been "proven"

to be nonsense. Actually, what you just uttered is a nonsensical response... But, being the

curious type and always willing to learn something new, I'd still like to see your attempt at a


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Marc, do us all a favor and leave out the adman hyperbole. I responded to this comment:

"Tri-X, shooting wide open, hand held, at 1/8 to 1/15th sec....Nothing else can do this -

not Nikon, Canon". Are you really trying to tell me that any reasonably calm and

competent photographer can't achieve good results with, say an EOS and wide open 24/

1.4, at an eigth or a fifteenth of a second. Once you get down to speeds like that the

biggest factor is not the presence or lack of a flipping mirror, it's the steadiness of the

photographer. I like leica Ms a lot, but i see no point in not challenging the more

outlandish claims here, like the one above. Modern SLRs have very little mirror slap, way

less than say a Nikon FM2, and the small jolt you do register comes from the mirrors

return - after the exposure.

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"Tri-X, shooting wide open, hand held, at 1/8 to 1/15th sec....Nothing else can do this - not

Nikon, Canon". Are you really trying to tell me that any reasonably calm ... etc."


Yes, Boris, I agree one can do what you say, so I guess with-in those perimeters the blanket

statement would be incorrect. Point taken.


Ad man hyperbole seems harsh when the counter argument includes the use of a "celebrity

photographer" to make a point. Sounds like ad speak to me ; -)

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Marc, I could've referenced a lot of very good photographers who deliver with

SLRs in exactly

the circumstances that John Layton maintains are the sole domain of the Leica M -

the problem is that most of those names wouldn't mean a great deal to the majority of

people here. That's where the "celebs" come in to the frame.

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