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Creatively aging photographs

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A few days ago I had a somewhat unusual request from a client. I was hired to

do a portrait session for a gentlemen who asked me if I could make his

photographs look old. To clarify - he does not want himself aged in the photos,

he just wants the photos to look like they were taken in the 1940s. I tried

asking him what exactly he was looking for, but he wasn't very sure himself. He

just said that he wanted "old-looking photos".


I want to create 5-6 samples for him so he could choose whatever he likes best.

I already made a sepia-toned sample and a sample with added film grain.


Can anyone suggest any other photoshop techniques or ideas of how I can make a

photograph look old?

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Add grain, creases, stains (read <a href="http://www.dosch.de/infobase/DT-TA-Tutorial.pdf">this</a> PDF tutorial). Reduce shadow detail with Levels and saturation of the blue channel (as well as overall saturation). Another option, more enjoyable but less unrepeatable, is to make a print and defile it yourself; soak it in coffee, step on it, tear it up etc. then scan it back in if necessary.
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Two answers.


If you have Photoshop, there is a 'droplet' in the Samples folder. Just drag a picture onto the droplet. It is called AgedPhoto.exe


If he wants to look like a formal portrati taken in the 40's and 50's, then NO GRAIN. Shoot fine grain MF or LF. You should use a soft portrait lens. I can recommend specific lenses, but you can't go wrong with an Imagon soft lens. A Softar filter over a conventional portrait lens is a poor second.


Use three lights, two minimum in the classic styles.


Clothes and hair must reflect the era.

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