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over-time hours contrat???


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I do some short weddings as add on Ala Carte prices. For example, I had what

was supposed to be a two hour coverage ceremony last night. Of course as the

couple kept drinking and getting a more "lit" pushing the cake-cutting and

other must have shots back, they asked me to stay longer. Of corse I agreed

and politely told them that it would cost an extra $250 per hour and they said

that was alright and would pay the balance when they recieve the proofs

later. I stayed three extra hours. They were drinking a lot and I am just

concerned "what if" later on they say they didn't approve. Should I bring an

extra "mini" contract to an event just in case this happends just to be on the

safe side. It does state on my original contract that I must be payed for

extra coverage. How do you handle this when in this particular situation?

They are nice people, I just want to know for the future. Thanks!

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If they later say they didn't approve, then only give them proofs for the first 2 hours of coverage.


A clause in the contract would be nice. Something like if B&G wish for additional coverage above and beyond contracted time it will be at $x.xx hour or any part of.


It was a verbal contract, drunk or not, they are still liable for their actions, unless you were manipulating the situation due to their state of mind.


Of course this is my opinion not law. I am not a lawyer or claim to be one. Would like to see what others have to say.

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Any person under the influence of drink (or drugs) is not capable of entering a 'legal' contract. If it were so, auto dealers would have a bar in the showroom and you would end up with the most expensive set of wheels in the dealership.





Contracts are best in writing. Verbal contract are (maybe) good if you have a tape recorder in hand, or three good witnesses.




Good luck!

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Thanks....that is very true. haha. I was tired and if I had it my way, I would've loved to go home and sit in front of the TV. But money is money and they did ask me to wait and stay. I've never had a problem before, I was just curious. This always seems to happen more when people drink...they are more relaxed and distracted and events seem to go slower.
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its in youragreement already as you said. a mini contr is tacky IMO. In the future, make sure this is brought up as you go over the agreement.


Try to use the word agreement instead of contract. Its less threatening to many individuals.

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