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Mamiya C330


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I just got a Mamiya C330 & I have 2 questions. I do not see anything

on the distance scale window when the bellows is retracted. It looks

as if there is a silver "guard" just under the window. The scale is

there. The other question involves the 180mm F4.5 lens. After

struggling to get this lens on, I cannot advance the film. It seems as

if the lever right net to the lens does not want to move. Can it be

bent since the lens is so big?


Thank you,



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You won't see the distance scale unless the bellows is extended far enough. In order to accomodate different focal length lenses, you must extend the bellows different distances for the infinity position.


As to the film advance mechanism, is there a film spool in the take up side? With my C3, you need a spool there to depress part of the mechanism invovled in film transport. Of course, if you have film loaded, that is automatically taken care of. When I remove an exposed roll, I always move the remaining film spool to the take up side. You shouldn't need film in the camera, just the take up spool on the take up side.


Another important point. The C-3 also has a locking mechanism on the other side of the camera from the film advance lever. You put it in the unlock position to remove the lens. It puts a barrier in front of the film. You want it in the lock position when shooting, or else you would get blank exposures. It is possible the C330 won't allow you to advance the film unless that is in the lo9cked position.


I have the 180 lens, and it works fine with my camera. You shouldn't have to struggle much to put the lens on. The spring tension is reasonably high to avoid light leaks, but it shouldn't be that difficult. Make sure you are doing it right.


I suspect my first suggestion will resolve your problem.

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Leonard's instructions are excellent. If you are "struggling" to mount a lens, either you are doing something way wrong, or the camera or lens has a problem.


For more details, you may want to download the instruction booklet (with pictures), and also the accessories manual and depth of field charts.



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I don't know if your problem is related to this, but there is a trick to putting the 180mm on the camera. The lens needs to be pre-cocked, and you need to slide the chrome extension lever down the side of the barrel toward the cocking pin and hold it there while you install the lens. If you don't do it right, it tends to get a bit jammed up.
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