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Essential Equipment


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I am looking to roundout my gear bag and would like suggestions on

gear that others on this site feel are essential to a well balanced

gear bag.


So far I have the Mark II Ds body, EF500mm f4 IS, EF 24-105mm f4 IS,

EF 180mm f3.5, EF 70-200mm f2.8 IS, MT-24X Macro Flash, two 580EX

flashes, ST-E2, and the Gitzo 1348, RRS55LR and Wimberly Sidekick



Any other essentials (excluding obvious memory

cards/filters/cleaners/packs)? I've considered the 35mm f1.4 as

another prime, but don't think I would use it much.



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Without knowing what you shoot, I would say a wide angle zoom, as you said you do not think you will use a prime. Possibly the 16-35 2.8L. In addition, you might want to consider the 1.4x and/or the 2x teleconvertors as you can use them on most of your lenses. However, that is already quite an impressive lineup.
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Don't buy the Canon 50mm f/1.8 II. Wait for a few more weeks for the brand new 55mm f/1.2L, 85mm f/1.2L IS, and 100-300mm f/4L IS. Besides the 17-40mm f/4L, you should also consider the 16-35mm f/2.8L and 24-70mm f/2.8L. You then will have two outstanding sets 16-35, 24-70, and 70-200 IS f/2.8L and 17-40, 24-105, and 100-300 IS f/4L. You don't have to wait for too long to add a 3D ECF for back up.
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Conrad, I shoot landscapes, nature and macros. Very little portaiture, but some. I want to shoot everything that I can, experiment with water droplets and strobes for motion. I want to experiment with time-lapse. I don't care about selling my work.


I'm willing to sit hours in blinds for nature shots, even in wintry Maine. I'm considering night vision spotting binoculars, and radio controlled triggers for my camera and 580's.


I have the TCN-80 remote timer and extension cord. Have Sto-Fen caps for my 580's.


I like to photograph my dog when he's buck naked.


Will look at other makers of lenses. I have no plans to buy a non-L series Canon lens at this point. Will wait for the 50 mm 1.2.


Not into this for glamour or expense. I'm search for the best quality that Canon has to offer, and I see some really good photographers on this website. I value all opinions and wish to offend none, nor seem snobbish. I love the feel and quality of Canon.


$80K is a bit much for the 1200/5.6, and have no plans to go higher than my 500.


One concern I have is the "fit" of my 70-200 and 500. There seems to be a couple of mm of give with these lenses locked in place. Normal or not? See no problems with images or AF/IS so far. My other lenses have no give whatsoever.

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The play is nothing to worry about. I've used lenses with much more with no ill effects. You just need to be aware of it for shooting purposes. You might want to check and see if the body mount is loose rather than the lens mounts. You might not notice it with light lenses but you will with heavier ones. If it is the body mount it is obviously easy to tighten.
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