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Pentax S3 Shutter Problem

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I have a Pentax S3 that my cousin gave me in near-mint cosmetic condition but

with a shutter speed problem.


Turning the shutter speed dials varies the shutter speeds but doesn't do so in

a way that matches the dial reading except for B. The varying speeds also

don't seem to cycle through the entire range but seems to range from B to slow

to faster in 3 to 4 steps. At first I thought that maybe the dial was simply

out of position, but that isn't the case.


Any ideas? Do you think this is a simple CLA issue or something more

complex? The camera was never heavily used but probably hasn't been used in

25 or 30 years.

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Hi!As an avid Pentax collector, without a doubt CLA time!.....If you want to try it "temporarily"..simply cycle the shutter with each shutter speed "numerous times" to try to wake up the shutter and mechanism. I mean 10+ times on each....Nice camera to have! See what happens from there. I have rejuvinated many older cameras this way at least for awhile. Keep in mind even if you get it loosened up, the shutter is bound to be slower than the marked speeds simply by virture of springs weakening over time. Have Fun! mark
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