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Metering a sunrise shoot at a crowded viewpoint?


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Hi, I hope I've asked this in the right place.


Next weekend, I'm planning a couple of days shooting at one of

Taiwan's more popular mountain parks. And one of the things that all

tourists there do, is get up for sunrise. And, a lot of people go

there - think 500-1000 at the sunrise viewpoint. 99% of them with

digicams, and 99% using their digicam's built-in flash.


Now, I know how to meter for your typical mountain sunrise. I'm not

asking for basic tips on that - I have plenty of experience in that.

What I don't have, is experience when there are 500-1000 flashes

firing at the same time. Is that going to affect anything in my

set-up? Would, for example, stray light from other peoples flashes,

manage to fool my camera's metering system (Canon 20D, with 17-40L and

70-200f4L BTW)?


Naturally, I'll try and find a spot to shoot from that's away from the

crowds, but I'm not sure how possible this will be.


Hope this question is clear, thanks in advance.



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Since the guide number of these flashes is pretty low I guess you will not see much if any influence of these on your picture if the closest object in focus is about 10-15m away. Just try to keep the people out of the picture and the results should be pretty fine.


I did not try it with a sunrise, but took quite a bit pictures at night with digicam-shooters around and the influence of the little flashes was pretty neglectable.

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The best similar experience is the Rose Parade: sunny and everybody flashes the floats that are 50 feet away.


Simple answer: do not worry. (If you are shooting thr clouds, and the horizon. There will be no measurable light added by the flashes.)


Now a much more interesting shot would be to shoot the shooters, i.e., walk off/down a bit from the highest point and turn around; compose (with your own flash, if needed ) and take a pic of the photogs, 10 of them all in raptures at ... Good luck!

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