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Nikon Capture 4

mclain swift

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I am using Nikon Capture and I have a feeling it is doubling my D2x

files. In Bridge the file size is indicated at 19.2 megs but in

Capture it is saying the file size is 60+ megs!! The resolution is

indicated the same at 4288x2848 in both programs but in Bridge it is

240dpi and Capture it is at 300dpi. I re-sized a photo the other day

just to see how it compared to ACR. I never thought anything of it

again until I started processing a shoot today and noticed the file

sizes in PS CS2 were around 500 megs!! So I took a peak at Capture

and zoomed in to 100% and holy crap Batman the image was HUGE! I

backed it down to 50% and that is what my 100% used to look like.

Somehow Capture is doubling the size of my images and I can't for

ther life of me figure out how to get it back to normal. Any ideas

out there?? I have reset Capture's settings back to neutral and it

doesn't seem to do a thing. I am going to be buying hard drives like

no tomorrow if I can't get this fixed :-)

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I have a basic understanding of sizes and resolutions. It seems Capture is doubling the size of my images when it never used to and I can't seem to be able to stop it from doing so. Like I said before, I rezzed up an image a few days ago for a test and left the machine alone for a few days...use it again and it is rezzing up all my images automatically. What I don't understand is the native resolution is 4288x2848 @ 240 dpi. and Capture is saying it is 4288x2848 @ 300 dpi. The difference in dpi is not responsible for the size doubling. One would think the resolution in Capture would show as 8576x5696. Some of the options on the resolution palette are greyed out so I cant change them. This is a real issue...I don't need 24mp images :-)

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"What I don't understand is the native resolution is 4288x2848 @ 240 dpi. and Capture is saying it is 4288x2848 @ 300 dpi. The difference in dpi is not responsible for the size doubling."


I don't know what is causing your problem, but the ppi that a program chooses to display an image at is irrelevant. Both programs are saying that the image is the same size in pixels, and that's the only thing that matters. The ppi would only be important when printing and the physical size of the print, i.e. pixel dimensions/ppi = print dimensions.

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M, when you day you have a basic understanding of resolution and then say "What I don't understand is the native resolution is 4288x2848 @ 240 dpi. and Capture is saying it is 4288x2848 @ 300 dpi" casts some doubt on if you really do understand it. First of all my version of Capture refers to "PPI", not "DPI". Secondly when a file is refered to in pixel dimensions "4288X2848" the PPI is totally irrelvent. Does the size/resolution dialogue box indicate that the file is 4288X2848 at 100% or has it been changed to something else.
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The NEF from a D2X is typically around 19.5 MB so that's probably what Bridge reported. The raw file will be around 35 MB converted as 8-bit TIF (or jpg) and 60 MB + as 16-bit TIF which is the default mode for saving in Capture.


If you changed file (pixel) sizes in PS the result could be even bigger, of course.

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Oh good lord. Forget all the ppi, dpi, tiff, business. I am simply reporting the settings in the software. Basically what I am saying is that in Capture when I view an image at 100% as stated in the top left of the screen the physical size on the screen is twice the size it used to be but Capture is still showing the info as a 4288x2848 image. When I then open the image in photoshop the file size in MB and screen size is way larger than it used to be and to boot, some of my filters are thinking the image is 48 bit. I know what my files look like at 100% and these are most certainly doubled. Capture is somehow automatically doubling the resolution on me but it isn't indicating that it is in any of the file information. Why is it doing this and how do I get my file sizes back to normal? I am thinking something has gone screwy with Capture.
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Oh...I always keep my images at 16 bit so that isn't the issue. Peter, the images are being interpolated automatically but Capture isn't stating the larger resolution size--and please lay of the condescending tone. I am asking for help and don't need to be conversed with like I am a child.
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