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Thumbnails not visible too.


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I too have not been able to view all thumbnails. The top 10 or so

display and then the rest don't. I have posted this question before

with no real result.


See attached photo.


I have switched ISP to no avail. Each time I shut down my IE cache

is emptied.


The earlier ISP said this was the cause of the problem..

"Some customers using a newly assigned APNIC IP address range in the

59/8 block have reported difficulty accessing a few websites.


The fault is not caused by Internode: The fault is caused by the

websites themselves, who are incorrectly blocking some Internode

customers (and customers from many other ISP's) due to misconfigured

packet filters.


When notified of sites that don't work, Internode staff will make

efforts to contact the operators of faulty websites and provide them

with technical assistance to get the problem solved. Customers

should be aware that not all website operators respond to those

contact attempts, so some websites may continue to be unreachable

until the website operator finds out about their bug through other



If you have contact details for a website operator, you can inform

them that they are incorrectly blocking and/or Internode will provide them with technical assistance in

unblocking those addresses even if the website operator is not an

Internode customer if such assistance is required"


The ISP said they contacted Photonet and they would fix it up.


I changed to another ISP and still not go. It is only at PHOTONET

that I am having this problem.<div>00E6Cc-26378284.jpg.397e5fddf44044d142cbb0ad6d13cc53.jpg</div>

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That can't be the explanation because we aren't blocking and And if we were, the symptom on your end would be that you couldn't connect to photo.net at all, not just that the thumbnails didn't display. Our servers for the thumbnails are behind the same firewall as everything else. So your ISP's "explanation" doesn't make any sense. They may have had some trouble with sites blocking 58/8 and 59/8, but that isn't the problem in this case.


And, by the way, those IP prefixes haven't been on any official "bogon lists" for at least a year; so a site admin would have to be pretty out-of-it to be still blocking those prefixes.

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Are you running any ad-blocking software, Norton anti-virus software of any other type of resident program that monitors and filters your internet connection traffic?


Firewalls and virus blockers are fine if they are properly configured (I run several), but it often seems when someone reports odd behavior that they have some 3rd party software running that causes problems.


I occasionally see "x" in the thumbnails when browsing the TRPs, but usually if a skip forward a page or two the thumbnails come back and if I back up I see the images. No idea why, I'm guessing some sort of timeout issue. However, like I said, it doesn't happen often and it clears itself up.

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thank you all for your feedback..


I changed to Firefox and it works beautifully.


Problem is I found out Firefox displays indented lists on my website incorrectly... site being www.wises.com.au - Wise's Wilderness.


Ah, fix one problem and find another.... the joys of the internet and computers...

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