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<i>Fantastic photos - thank you for sharing. Particularly like the first one. Camera, lens,

film etc? And most importantly, where and what time of the day?</i><p>

The first pic was taken on 31 Dec 2005. It was a rainy day with intermittent heavy shower.

I was wandering outside an Hindu temple which was usually crowded but that day it was

kind of closed to visitors. I saw this man inside and unlike the norm where the temple

warden would chase one with a camera away, I was invited to go inside to watch this man.

Perhaps he didn't realised that i had a camera (LX1) with me. It was pretty dark so I placed

the camera on the marble flooring to avoid camera shake and took the picture.

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<i>Thanks for responding with the ISO #. I noticed my FZ30 would not have behaved this

well in such lighting condition. Did you filter the image using other software? The whole

image seems to be sparkling with clarity!</i>


No. I did not bother to run through any noise reduction software.

And I've printed it on an A3 size paper and it turns out fantastic! I guess many people are

over concerned over the noise issue.

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