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Open Source Web Portfolio / Album

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Lets start at the beginning. I have started using Subversion - a repository

system designed (primarily) for programmers - whatever language. There is a nice

open source project called Trac which integrated with this and provides a web

front page; with Wiki support and 'tickets' (open issues etc) for detailing

faults etc. There is even options for user authentication etc...


Ive now started thinking - is there a nice piece of open source software for

laying out and managing photos on a website? In an ideal world it would share

the same database as my management software; hence people could search for

photos which are linked with my keywords / catagories etc. Of course I would add

an extra flag which would limit certain photo access to those who have 'logged

in' (e.g. private / public photos).


Doing a seach on the forum people mentioned about Open ACS - but people were not

'enthusing' about it... and I dont know if it does the right thing.


Is this sort of software generally available - or do people prefere to make

money from selling Album type of things?





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Sure, OpenACS will do that. It's a very sophisticated web framework; you can check out the

details at

<a href="http://www.openacs.org">http://www.openacs.org</a>


<p>One site using an OpenACS-based photo-management back end is

<a href="http://www.pps.org/imagedb/">http://www.pps.org/imagedb/</a>.

Another using "classic" ACS of similar vintage to that here on photo.net is

<a href="http://archnet.org/library/">http://archnet.org/library/</a>


<p>Disclaimer -- I may be biased since I host all these sites, including that of



<p>Many, many other open-source gallery packages exist. Gallery (PHP-based) is one of

the more popular:

<a href="http://gallery.menalto.com/">http://gallery.menalto.com/</a>

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I'll throw my vote behind Gallery (G2.1). It's got a ton of development behind it and there are lots of modules and addons and themes, in addition to whatever you want to customize.


Using the modules and components that have been developed I've integrated it with my Joomla CMS installation, so that the search module includes the photo database and that when making Joomla page content, an easy insertion system allows placement of thumbnails (with links) or full images or whatever you like -- it's all integrated.


I played with Exhibit Engine but it just wasn't ready for prime time and isn't open source, so development is slow/nonexistent (I eventually gave up waiting for a new, modern version).


I'm no fan of Coppermine -- G2.1 is superior.


If you want to play with Joomla, there are also flash-based solutions for galleries/portfolios, along with some other open source stuff, but none of it looked as sophisticated as G2.1.



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