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How do I make my EOS-1DS smaller?


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I like this tread, I have to ask.. The invasive methods such has gastric bypass surgery and Jivaro Indians shrunken-head will afect the CCD capacity? How about the Megapixels ratio?


What to trade your EOS 1Ds for a cell phone or maybe a credit card sized dig-cam? :=))

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Get yourself a Digital Rebel. Then copy the model markings on your 1Ds, remove the markings on the Dreebel, put the copied markings on DRebel, no one (including yourself) will know the difference. And it will be light indeed.


While you are at it, I would seriously investigate the possibility of repainting white one of some really small and light lenses. There is no reason to not go the extra mile.


When processing the pictures: it is entirely possible to write a script which will automatically re-size your 1MB JPEG (no need to bother with shooting RAW) to the full size that the original 1Ds can produce - and rename it as RAW. Heck, why not to blow it up to 30 Mb - you will have the lightest 1Ds in the universe, with a white lens on it, which will produce 30Mb shots.


Oops, seems that I am being carried away...;)


But seriously: you did not know the weight and size of the thing on which you shelled out quite a significant sum of money ?


I think you need to start reading this post from the beginning...

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Thank you for everyone's help and advice. I tried to change the character of the camera by painting it with a coat of black enamel & putting a red dot on the front. The results were unsatisfactory though, as my photographic collection then started to comprise of lots of brick walls.
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