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AI lens compatibility with D bodies


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I have looked at threads from previous years about this topic, and would like to know current


Which Nikon digital SLRs can I mount my nice AI lenses on? I'd be buying a body s/h, so could go

back to early Nikon Dslrs - how far back?

Alternatively I read that Canon EOS and 20D bodies will take Nikon AI lenses with an adapter -

please, who makes it and where is it available (outside USA if possible!)?

It appears that with a Canon D body I get some metering capability -- stop down only (?) -- but

with Nikon D50/D70 I get nothing. Am I correct?

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For all practical purposes, all AI/AI-S lenses can be mounted onto any Nikon DSLRs to take pictures. There may be some rare exceptions but most people wouldn't need to worry about them.


The main issue is that low-end Nikon DSLRs cannot meter with those AI/AI-S lenses. That list currently includes the D100, D70/D70s, D50 and the up-coming D80. You can use some adapter to mount your AI/AI-S lenses onto Canon DSLRs. You can get stop-down metering but focus assist (electronic rangefinder) doesn't work. Personally, I think that is very inconvenient, but apparently, some people are happy with that arrangement.


While the D50/D70/D80 cannot meter with AI/AI-S lenses, you can either use an external meter or use the histogram method to adjust exposure.

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If you want to mix and match AI & AIS Nikkor with AF, AF-D and AF-S Nikkors on a DSLR the Nikon D200 is the camera to buy. If the wallet is fat consider also the D2Xs. If the wallet is thin a clean used Nikon D2H might be a good choice.




Dave Hartman.


PS: my wallet was thin so I bought a Nikon D2H on fire sale for $2,000.00 (USD). The viewfinder and focus screen are very good for manual focus. The image quality is great for it's 4.1MP. The primary issue I have (not to my surprise) is with cropping. Had my wallet been fat I'd own a D2X. If it were really fat ... but then it's not.

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the D200 is definitely the camera to buy (because it meters with AI and AIS lenses), but... i have used MF lenses (Nikkor-S 55mm f1.2 (AI'd) and Peleng 8mm f3.5, 500 f8 mirror) on a D70 and D50 with no problem. Shoot at M using your best judgement for A and S, look at the LCD and adjust next shot accordingly (obviously will not work for sports/wildlife, but you don't want to use MF for this...<div>00HjcK-31873684.jpg.777c21444328da106b8f2cca8b6db938.jpg</div>
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